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  学校拥有临床医学、基础医学、药学、公共卫生与预防医学4个博士后科研流动站,1个临床医学博士专业学位授权点,儿科学、人体解剖与组织胚胎学、药理学、肿瘤学、病理学与病理生理学、耳鼻咽喉科学、内科学、外科学、流行病与卫生统计学9个学科有博士学位授予权,4个一级学科(生物医学工程、基础医学、临床医学、公共卫生与预防医学)和39个二级学科硕士点,临床医学硕士、口腔医学硕士、公共卫生硕士(MPH)3个专业学位授权点;有1个七年制临床医学专业,临床医学、口腔医学、预防医学、药学 、护理学、信息管理与信息系统(医学) 、医学检验、英语、公共事业管理 、生物医学工程、社会工作、生物技术等12本科专业, 9个高职专科专业(医疗美容技术、康复治疗技术、 医学检验技术 、口腔医学技术、药学 、护理学、计算机信息管理、心理咨询、医学营养)) ;有临床医学、口腔医学、预防医学、护理学、药学5个国家级特色专业建设点。2004年获广西高校第一批“广西临床医学人才小高地”。







  A Brief Introduction to Guangxi Medical University


  Located in the city of Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangxi Medical University (GMU), founded in 21st November 1934, is one of the 22 oldest medical institutes in China, one of the 8 medical institutes that first to enroll international students, and one of the 30 universities that are qualified to launch MBBS courses with English medium. It is a key university supported by Guangxi Government, as well as a center for medical education, medical research, medical and healthcare service in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

  Along with its several decades’ history, GMU has been renamed for several times. At its very beginning, it was called Guangxi Provincial Medical College, and then, successively replaced by Medical College of Guangxi University, Guangxi Military Medical School, Guangxi Medical Training School, and Guangxi Medical College. The campus of the University has been migrated from Guilin to Nanning in July 1954 due to the change of administration zone at that time.

  The University now is composed of 23 schools, 1 education department, 10 three-A level (in Chinese three–tiered category) affiliated hospitals (including 7 subordinate hospitals), 50 teaching and interning bases. Among them, the First Affiliated Hospital is one of the top 100 hospital in China, and the largest Hospital in Guangxi. The Tumor Hospital and the Affiliated Hospital of Stomatology are the largest three-A level specialist hospital, and all of the three hospitals are awarded “trustworthy hospital” by government.

  GMU has 4 research centers for post-doctoral study (including clinical medicine, preclinical medicine, pharmacology, and public health), 9 disciplines including human anatomy and histology and embryology, pharmacology, pathology and pathophysiology, internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, oncology, otorhinolaryngology, epidemiology and health statistics run courses and programs for doctoral degree study, and there are 4 first-class disciplines (biomedical engineering, preclinical medicine, clinical medicine, public health and preventive medicine) and 39 second-class discipline are entitled to grant master degrees, 3 professional degree authorization centers (Master of Clinical Medicine, Master of Stomatology and Master of Public Health), 11 disciplines including clinical medicine, stomatology, preventive medicine, pharmacology, nursing, information management and information system(medicine), laboratory medical science, English, public management, biomedical engineering, social work etc. are entitled to grant bachelor degrees. The University also has 9 vocational training programs (plastic surgeon, rehabilitation medicine, laboratory medical science, stomatology, pharmacology and nursing) and 4 specialties with characteristics in national level including clinical medicine, stomatology, preventive medicine and nursing. In 2002, the University has received the title of “Highland for Talents of Clinical Medicine in Guangxi”.

  Now, the University has more than 11 thousand full time students and 3647 staff. There are 68 experts enjoy special government allowance from the State Council, 6 young experts have win the prize of “outstanding contribution to the nation”, 19 staff have been chosen as national model teachers, national prominent teachers and national advanced worker, and 52 staff have been chosen as provincial model workers, prominent experts.

  GMU has 1 national key discipline, 1 key laboratory jointly fund by Ministry of Education and Guangxi local government, 1 key specialist of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the 11th five-year, 6 provincial key laboratory, and 10 provincial key disciplines. Researches in fields of hemoglobin, venom, prevention and control of cardiovascular disease, gynecologic oncology, liver transplantation, finger replantation, peripheral blood stem cell transplantation have met national or international advanced level. Fundamental and Clinical Research of Common Head and Neck Cancer in Guangxi has got the award for special contribution of science and technology in Guangxi, PhD thesis the Role of Interleukin -5 in Pathogenesis of Bronchial Asthma has been awarded the best PhD thesis at national level in 2002, and it was also the first best national PhD thesis in Guangxi. The University is also organizer of 3 academic journals, including Journal of Guangxi Medical University (natural science edition and social science edition), Journal of Chinese Medical Abstract.Oncology, and Journal of Colorectal& Anal Surgery (professional journal of Anorectal Surgery Group of Chinese Medical Association Surgery Branch). Among the three journals, Journal of Guangxi Medical University is a core journal of comprehensive medicine and health, core journal of Chinese science and technology, double-efficiency journal of Chinese journal phalanx, and has been awarded excellent journal of Guangxi and China.

  The University has established exchange and cooperation links with universities, institutes, and hospitals over 50 countries including USA, Britain, Denmark, Japan, Australia etc. Outstanding staff and teachers are sent abroad for giving lectures, attending international conferences, as well as for further educations every year; meanwhile, foreign experts and scholars are also invited to the University for academic exchange and research cooperation.

  Up to now, with more than 30000 graduates, the University has become a core force for medicine education, medical research and healthcare services in Guangxi. In the recent two years, employment rate of graduates has reached 92% and pass rate of National Medical Qualification Examination (clinical practitioner) is 14% higher than average national level.

  In 2008, GMU has successfully got an “Excellent” in the national level appraisal which is designed as “Quality Assessment of Undergraduate Education” carried out by Ministry of Education. Currently, Staff and teachers of the University uphold the traditional concept of “cultivating talents for Guangxi” and the university motto of “being inspiration and erudition, promoting medical development”, actively implement a three-year plan of scientific development, for building GMU a medical university with coordinated development of multidisciplinary.

   广西南宁市双拥路22号 邮编:530021

  校办电话:0771-5352512 普通本科招生咨询:5359031 研究生招生咨询:5356491 成教自考招生咨询:5353900
发源地广西> 南宁
更 新:2021-5-29

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