

      3)  Self=Self


      4)  self



      Review of Experimental Study on Self-energy Consumption Abroad;


      5)  The self



      The mirror image of the self:facing a dilemma where self-construction and self-destruction coexist;



      It displays the solitariness motif through the relationship between the women figure and opposite sex,the same sex and the self.



      Based on the Theory of Mirror,Lacan divided the relations between the selfs and the self and the others into three fields:the field of imagination,the fields of sybol and the field of reality,and thus concluded that the self is a truth rsulted from other s intervention and later alienation and split.


      6)  selfhood



      The Difficulties of Actor s Innovation——The relation between the selfhood and the role;



      New Feminie: Rejection and Overthrow-An Exploration on "Love and Selfhood" in Modern Literature;


      7)  Ego



      On Textual Research of Virtual Ego in Classical Culture in China;



      From the Relationships of Id,Ego and Superego to the Relationships of Anna,Vronsky and Karenin;



      On Virtual Ego in Consciousness Space;


      8)  oneself



      Finging oneself——A remark of three youngmen s spirit course in Xie Ma Village;



      Jane Austen s love novels reflect comprehension of oneself, which is a rational choice based on the demands of "others".



      Fee Wish’s special foundation and core that knowledge study is “oneself ”.


      9)  "ego"



      On the Construction of Female/Individual "Ego";



      Only when the "id","ego" and "superego" balances with one another can a person s personality be developed well and be sublimated.


      10)  self



      On the Concept of "Self" in Shimazaki Toson s Private Novels;



      The private novels can not exist without the concept of“self”, which is their nuclear.

      私小说离不开“自我” ,“自我”是私小说的核心所在。


      抽象认识,随年龄增长而逐渐复杂化,并逐渐形成社会的自我、学术的自我、身体的自我等不同的层次。 (王小英撰车丈博审)自我概念(self一eoneePt)自我意识的组成部分之一。指个人心目中对自己的印象,包括对自己存在的认识,以及对个人身体能力、J胜格、态度、思想等方面的认识。它是由一系列态度、信念和价值标准所组成的有组织的认知结构,把一个个各种特殊习惯、能力、观念、思想和情感联结在一起,贯穿于心理和行为的一切方面。自我概念是在经验积累的基础上发展起来的。最初它是对个人的和才能的简单



      自我评价  自我关注  自我保健  自我药疗  自我组装  自我保护  估价自我  自我监测  自我意识  自我效能  热熔烫压机