

      2)  Self=Self


      3)  self



      Review of Experimental Study on Self-energy Consumption Abroad;


      4)  The self



      The mirror image of the self:facing a dilemma where self-construction and self-destruction coexist;



      It displays the solitariness motif through the relationship between the women figure and opposite sex,the same sex and the self.



      Based on the Theory of Mirror,Lacan divided the relations between the selfs and the self and the others into three fields:the field of imagination,the fields of sybol and the field of reality,and thus concluded that the self is a truth rsulted from other s intervention and later alienation and split.


      5)  selfhood



      The Difficulties of Actor s Innovation——The relation between the selfhood and the role;



      New Feminie: Rejection and Overthrow-An Exploration on "Love and Selfhood" in Modern Literature;


      6)  Ego



      On Textual Research of Virtual Ego in Classical Culture in China;



      From the Relationships of Id,Ego and Superego to the Relationships of Anna,Vronsky and Karenin;



      On Virtual Ego in Consciousness Space;



      自我实现  自我评价  自我关注  自我保健  自我药疗  自我组装  自我保护  估价自我  自我监测  交换性Ca  解构趋势 


      1941年5月毛泽东在延安 干部会议上所作的报告。原载于1942年3月27日延安《解放日报》,后收入《毛泽东选集》第三卷和《毛泽东著作选读》下卷。全文共分四个部分,从思想上总结了党史上的经验教训,着重论述了反对主观主义以整顿学风的问题。指出对待马列主义,存在着两种根本对立的态度。一种是理论和实际统一的态度,即从中国革命的实际出发,实事求是。这种态度是党性的表现,是中国革命胜利的根本保证。另一种是主观主义的态度,这是反科学、反马列主义的学风。在这种态度下,就是对周围环境不作系统的周密的研究,单凭主观热情去工作。它是党内产生“左”右倾机会主义错误的思想根源,曾给中国革命带来严重损失。文章强调只有打倒主观主义,马列主义的真理才会抬头,党性才会巩固,革命才会胜利。文章向党指出系统地周密地研究周围环境的任务;特别强调在全党推行调查研究的计划,是转变党的作风的基础的一环。这篇著作是毛泽东关于整风运动的基本著作,是整风运动的必读文件之一。

