

      2)  Coordinate



      Determination coordinate of intraocular lens power;



      General formula for calculating coordinate azimuth;



      Curve coordinate calculation of cloverleaf interchange in expressway;


      3)  coordinates



      Substituting adjustable parameters of machining cutter for the NC coordinates to machine special type of helicoid cutters;



      Because there are many coordinates system in the long route engineering,which bring a lot of inconveniences for design and construction.



      Combined with the complex features of GPS coordinates calculation on gyrated line points on expressway and city overpass ramp,it introduces the calculating methods of gyrated line s transformation to alleviated curve.


      4)  coordinates of local systems


      5)  Coordinate System



      Establishment of coordinate system and measurement of digitized human cerebrum;



      Data organization in geomagnetism and space physics and relevant coordinate systems;



      A kind of choice method of the GPS control networke coordinate system;


      6)  coordinate transformation



      An analysis of the intersection of torus/sphere based on coordinate transformation;



      Intersection algorithm based on coordinate transformation;



      Jacobian s geomitrical meaning in coordinate transformation and it s application;



      鼠标坐标  色度坐标  编程坐标  工作坐标  简正坐标  高碳钢轧制  离体反应机理 


      用来测定日面上某一特征(例如黑子)的位置的坐标系统。通常采用随太阳自转的坐标系统。日面上的位置常用日面经度L和日面纬度Ф来表示。太阳绕着自转轴由东向西(从地球上看)自转。自转轴和太阳表面相交于两点,分别称为太阳北极和太阳南极。通过北极和南极的大圆,叫作日面子午圈。规定1854年1月1日格林威治平午(儒略日 2398220.0)通过太阳赤道对于黄道的升交点的子午圈为本初子午圈。日面经度由本初子午圈量起,向西计量,由0°~360°。这样定义的经度又称卡林顿经度。通过太阳中心作垂直于自转轴的大圆,称为太阳赤道,它将太阳分为北半球和南半球。日面某点的铅垂线和赤道面间的夹角Ф即为该点的日面纬度,由赤道起沿着某点的子午圈向两极计量,由0°~90°。向北计量的叫北纬,用"N"或"+"号表示,向南计量的叫南纬,用"S"或"-"号表示。太阳自转的会合周期的平均值为27.2753天。规定1853年11月9日本初子午圈转到日面中心的时刻为太阳的第一个自转周的开始。自转周都给以连续的号数。每年中各个自转周的号数和开始日期都可从天文年历中查到。要确定日面上任一点的位置,需要三个数据:①自日面北点量起的太阳自转轴北极的方位角P,向东为正,向西为负。②日面中心的日面纬度Ф0。③日面中心的日面经度L0。在天文年历中列出了一年中每天世界时零时的P,L0和Ф0值,应用内插法就可求出观测时刻的卡林顿经度L和纬度Ф值。
