

      2)  quail egg-white protein powder


      3)  quail



      The Determinations of Normal Levels of Triglyceride,Glucose,and Uric Acid in Serum of Quail;



      Effects and Mechanisms of 2,3-Dioxoindoline on Experimental Atherosclerosis in Quails;


      4)  quails



      Inhibitory Effect of Aleurites montana on Experimental Atherosclerosis in Quails;



      Study on the Relation between the Genotype and the Phenotype of Maroon, White and Yellow Quails Feather Color and Its Application;



      Objective To observe the effects of emod in on experimental fatty livers of quails.


      5)  Partridge



      An Experimental Study on RT-PCR for Cystathionine Beta-synthase Gene in Partridge Liver Tissue;



      Changes in the Blood Rheology in the Partridge with Hyperuricemia plus Hypertriglyceridemia: Effects of Chicory Extract N2;



      Objective To clone the enhancer of rudimentary gene from pigeon,partridge and human.

      目的 克隆家鸽、鹌鹑与人类发育缺陷增强因子 (enhancerofrudimentary ,e(r) )基因。

      6)  Quail's egg yolk



      The technological condition of extracting Lecithin from Quail's egg yolk aided with ultrasonic and microwave was studied,and orthogonal experiments were made to optimize technological condition on the base of signal factor experiments.



      鹌鹑皮蛋  黄羽鹌鹑  家鹌鹑  肉用鹌鹑  截翅鹌鹑  野生鹌鹑  鹌鹑胚胎  朝鲜鹌鹑  蛋鹌鹑  雏鹌鹑  蛋用鹌鹑  家养鹌鹑  修辞认知 


      菜谱名称 《中国益寿食谱》之延年益寿食谱(三)强健脾胃益寿----鹌鹑肉片

      所属菜系 其它菜系

      所属类型 健康菜谱

      基本特点 补益脾肾,强健身体

      基本材料 鹌鹑肉150克,冬笋25克,冬菇5朵,青瓜适量,鸡蛋清1个。




