零距离学美语口语[职业]Lesson 2:Have you ever bought any insurance

恒星英语学习网 2009年08月02日

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      Two      Have you ever bought any insurance?

      1    Introduction
      A  Many more people buy insurance in America than in China.  One reason is that Americans have more cars and they must get car insurance.  There are different kinds of insurance polices. Collision insurance, the cheapest, only pays for damage to your car. Other kinds of insurance, which are more expensive, pay for greater types of damage and more types of accidents. Normally, the person who causes the accident must use their own insurance to pay for damage to other people.

      B  Also many jobs come with insurance.  Most employers provide very basic life insurance for all their employees.  Some of them also provide health insurance, though the cost is deducted from the employees’ regular salary.  The cost of group insurance is cheaper the more people there are in the group.

      2   Sample Sentences
      1.  The insurance policy protects you against injury.
      2.  I found a job selling insurance.
      3.  My husband works in insurance.
      4.  He has $100,000 life insurance, which his wife will receive if he dies first.
      5.  My friend tried to persuade me into buying insurance for my son.
      6.  We offer dental and health insurance that covers every member of the family.
      7.  Doctors across the country are quitting their jobs because they can't afford malpractice insurance.
      8.   Health care insurance premiums are climbing.
      9.   I do not worry about having insurance for every potential problem.
      10.  In my state, it is required that you have driver’s insurance for your car.

      3   Conversations
      1.  Life insurance salesman.
      Man:  Good afternoon Miss, would you be interested in buying more life insurance?  You know, you can never get enough.
      Miss:  I think my husband has some.
      Man:  Are you sure he’s purchased enough insurance for both of you?  If something terrible happened with your husband, and he doesn’t have sufficient1 insurance, my company does have a policy that could cover you and your husband if something happened to either of you.
      Miss:  That’s true.  If something happened to my husband, I might lose everything.  Both of us have to work to keep our home, car, and our children’s education.  I can’t afford that by myself.
      Man:  Could we sit and look at the policy I mentioned and see if that’s something suitable for you and your husband?
      Miss:  Certainly.

      2.  Car insurance.  A client just had an accident.
      Client:  That was a beautiful car.  It’s a new car, but it’s totaled2.
      Agent:  Well, your insurance covers sufficient money to replace it.  So you don’t need to worry.
      Client:  I don’t think I could afford that kind of car again.  I think I’ll have to choose something that is not as hard to replace.
      Agent:  Since you are not the one who caused the accident, your insurance cost should be the same.
      Client:  What will happen if I chose a smaller car?  Would the payments be the same?
      Agent:  If you got a smaller car, the cost should be a little less depending on the model, age, and size.  Would you still want full coverage3?
      Client:  Yes.

      3.  Employment benefits.
      A:  Hey, Frank. I heard you got a new job.
      B:  Yeah, Judy. I will be working for the Post Office. It’s not a bad job.
      A:  Is it true that you have a heavy work schedule?
      B:  That’s right. I report to work at 5:00 am everyday, and I only get 45 minutes for lunch.
      A:  So, why did you apply for such a demanding4 job?
      B:  Well, the government offers its employees excellent health insurance benefits.
      A: Oh, I see. And can your family utilize5 the health insurance, too?
      B:  Yeah, that’s the best part. All of my children can get free medical care6.
      A:  That’s a great employment benefit!
      B:  Now you know why I wanted to work for the Post Office!
      ——的确是。 我每天早上5点钟去上班,中午只有45分钟的时间吃饭。

      4   Words and Expressions
      1. sufficient  足够的,充分的
      2. total 【俚】使完全毁坏
      3. full coverage  全额保险,完全承保
      4. demanding 使人吃力的;高要求的
      5. utilize 利用
      6. medical care    医疗护理
