英语口语练习 Unit84:A visit from the police来自警察局的询问

恒星英语学习网 2007年08月26日

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      Police 1: You see sir, we've received a complaint from a Mr Hall about a gentleman's watch that you sold to his wife just before Christmas. It would appear that the authenticity of the watch is in doubt.
      Tim: Oh - Oh, I see...
      Police 1: Would you mind answering a few questions for us?
      Tim: Well, no, but I think you should be talking to my boss about this.
      Police 2: We've already spoken to your boss sir, at some length as it happens. That's why we'd like to talk to you now. So, if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions...
      Tim: What, here?
      Police 2: We can always go down to the station if you think you'd be more comfortable there, sir...
      Tim: No, no, that won't be necessary. Would you like to come through to the office?
      Vocabulary 词汇
      authenticity (n) 真实性
      the quality or condition of being real, trustworthy, or genuine
      in doubt 有疑问
      under question, not fully believed
      at some length 相当详尽地
      thoroughly, completely or repeatedly; for a long time
      as it happens 实际上
      this is an infomp3al expression which means 'actually'

      本单元的语言点是动词后面加动词+ing 形式,在英语中有些动词后面跟不定式,有些要跟动词+ing 形式,请看下面的解释和例句。

      Verb + verb-ing
      Background 背景
      When a verb is followed by another verb, the second verb must be either an infinitive with 'to' such as 'to do', 'to make', 'to go' etc. or an -ing fomp3 such as 'doing', 'making', 'going'. In this episode of The Flatmates, the police officer says 'Would you mind answering a few questions...?' The fomp3 of the second verb depends on the first verb, and/or the speaker's intended meaning.
      Some of the rules about verb + verb-ing are given here.
      Basic verbs 基本动词
      Verb-ing is used after these verbs:

      The children admitted taking the sweets.
      I considered becoming a singer when I left school.
      Do you fancy going to see a movie tonight?
      Would you mind opening the window? It's rather hot in here.
      He suggested eating out, but I had already prepared dinner at home.
      Phrasal verbs 短语动词

Verb-ing is used after these phrasal verbs:

      The children carried on playing even though it had started to rain.
      I gave up smoking 3 years ago.
      The teacher went on talking even though some of the students weren't listening.
      Why do you keep on eating fatty food when you know it's bad for you?
      Negatives 否定
      To make the -ing verb negative, use not:
      Would you mind not making so much noise?
      I like not having to get up early at weekends
      Somebody 某人
      It is possible to use the structure verb + somebody + verb-ing:
      I can't imagine you living in a foreign country.
      I don't like you telling me what to do all the time.
      In the passive fomp3, use being and the past participle:
      I don't like being told what to do all the time.
