迷你对话学口语 第23课 不诚实的 - 21

恒星英语学习网 2013年03月31日

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      第23课:不诚实的 - 21


      A: Ronnie told me his teacher beats the students and steals their lunches.
      B: You believed that? Don’t you know he is the biggest story-teller in the world?

      A: Ronnie告诉我说他的老师殴打嘘声而且偷吃他们的午餐。
      B: 这你也信?你难道不知道他是全世界最能信口雌黄的人吗?


      A: Jack is such a great boyfriend!
      B: Jack? You are going out with Jack? Be careful; he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing! He acts nice, but he will break your heart without feeling bad at all.

      A: Jack是个多棒的男朋友啊!
      B: Jack?你正和他约会吗?当心点吧,他可是只披着羊皮的狼!他现在对你好,但是有一天他会伤透你的心,而丝毫不会觉得难过。
