





      1 . They were approached indirectly through an intermediary .



      2 . They disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary .

      他们彼此交恶不愿相见, 有事均通过中间人处理.


      3 . She wanted him to act as an intermediary in the dispute with Moscow.



      4 . Substances conveying plant resistance to insects include inorganics, primary and intermediary metabolites and secondary substances.

      给予植物抗虫性的物质包括无机物, 初始、中间代谢物和次生物质.


      5 . Unless saving and investment are done in kind, a financial intermediary must link saver and investor.

      除非储蓄和投资以实物进行, 否则必须有金融媒介把储蓄者和投资者联系起来.
