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  • 英语口语会话速成

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 32


    Chapter 7Dialog 1Can I go to Scott's house?How long will you be gone?Until seven, His mom said she would bring me back.Ok, as long as you call me when you get there, All right, I will, ByeBye, I love

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 31


    Unit 31Dialog 1Excuse me, Can I have everyone's attention please?Sam, what are you doing?You'll see, I'd like to propose a toast to our new secretary. Mary, welcome on board.Thanks, Sam, You really

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 29


    Dialog 1Jane, where are you going?To the student centre.Would you like a ride? I'm gong ride by there.Yes, you are very kind.Any time you need a ride, just let me know.Thanks a lot.Dialog 2Amy, Would

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 30


    Chapter 6 dialog 1 How much do I owe you? I've forgot it. This one's on me You don't need to do that. I want to, I haven't paid for your dinner in a while. well, thanks a lot. You bet, It's my pl

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 26


    chapter 5dialog 1Help, I'm trapped.Where are you?I'm in the closet. The door shut on me.Ok, stay calm. I'll get you out.Just get the keys off the desk and open the door.All right, I've got them. T

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 28


    dialog 1 Sam, would you like to borrow my hammer? If you don't mind Of course not. Ok, I'll return it tomorrow. That's fine, but just keep it as long as you need it. Thanks a lot, you are a great h

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 27


    Dialog 1Would you like something to drink?Sure, what do you have?We have Coke, 7-up and tea.I would like a Coke.What size?A large please.Dialog 2Could I get you a drink?Please, that would be great.How

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 25


    Dialog 1Mary, can you tell me how to get to your house?Sure, take main street east all the way to first street. Turn right on the first street and go to 1543 first street.Is your house on the right or

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 24


    Dialog 1Hi, can you tell me where Texas stadium is ?Sure, it is in Dallas on first street.How do I get there from first ?Take eye thirty east, exit on first street and go north. This stadium will be o

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 23


    Chapter 4Dialog 1Excuse me, do you know how to get to the library?Yes, do you see that building ahead?Yes, I do.Well, go pass it and you will see the library on the right.Ok, thanks for your help.You

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 22


    Dialog 1Hi, can I help you?Yes, I would like an application.Ok. here you go. Please fill it out completely. We also need a letter of recommendation.Can I set up an interview for tomorrow?Sure, how is

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 21


    Dialog 1Hi, can I help you?Yes, I need some information about applying to the shchool.Ok, here is an information packet. When are you interested in starting?I like to began this fall. Do you have spac

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 20


    Dialog 1Hi, I'm interested in a tour package to the Ireland. What pacakages do you have?We have two packages. We have a package for 135 dollars that includes all tansportation and food. The 55 dollar

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 19


    Dialog 1 Thank you for calling Japan Airlines. How may I help you? I need to know when flight 304 arrives from Hongkong? It lands at 5:16 at gate 18. What terminal is gate 18 in? It is in terminal 3.

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 18


    Dialog 1Hello, I'm interested in renting an apartment. Do you have any apartment that rent for less than three hundred dollars?We have one bedroom apartment for 285 per month, and two bedrooms apartm

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 17


    Dialog 1Hello, It's rental.Hi, I would like to rent a car for this weekend. I would like to know the prices for a Tuesday rental.We have a special on the midsize car, It's 24 dollars and 95 cents pe

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 16


    Dialog 1What equipments does this car have?This car has the power package. Are you familiar with that package?Not reallyOk, the power package inclues power windows and locks,power meters and power ant

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 15


    Chapter 3 Unit 15Dialog 1Thank you for calling to movies six, can I help you?What time does "star track" start?6:00 and 7:40How much are tickets?For the early show, they are 2 dollars and 50 cents, an

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 14


    Dialog 1Excuse me, Mr Lin.Yes, What can I do for you?I need some batteries for my clock.Are they out of power?No, the batteries are missing. Maybe they got lost while we were moving our supplies.Ok, c

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 13


    Dialog 1Mary, your hair looks great, did you go to a salon?No, I fixed it myself.You did? that looks incredible.Thanks, I want to look good for my brother's wedding.Well, it worked. You look really g

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 12


    Dialog 1John, Thanks a lot for the camera. It would definitely come in handy.Sure thing, you really need a camera when you're on vacation.I wonder what type of film will be the best.I would get cold

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 11


    Dialog 1Mary, would you like to come over tomorrow?Er, tomorrow? I have a doctor's appointment in the afternoon.When is that?At 3, but I have to leave by 2:30 to get there on time. I guess I'll have

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 10


    Dialog 1Hi, David, this is Marry.Hello.John and I would like you to come over this Saturday for a party.Ok, I'd love to come.Great, it's this Saturday at 8, see you there.Sounds good, I'll be there

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 09


    Take a right at the stoplight then go left at B street. Oh, don't forget to get in the right lane, so you can....Hold on, I lost you, Please start over.Ok, right at the stoplight and left at B street

  • 英语口语会话速成 Unit 08


    Chapter 2 Unit 8Dialog 1Marry, I'm Dr. Lin, I'm leading the class in english this semester.Hello, sir, It's a pleasure to meet you.I'm originally from China, but I have travelled all of the world.

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