

      选择语言:从 英语 到 中文简体



      FACT - L


      FACT - L







      a少乘电梯 Little rides the elevator [translate] 
      a请问需不需要胶带 Ask needs the adhesive tape [translate] 
      aOfent,I went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbor instead of finishing my homework before it was time to hand in 我知道这是挑战,但没体会多少直到类开始了 [translate] 
      abandit's satchel 匪盗的书包 [translate] 
      abeli bala beli bala beli bala beli bala [translate] 
      aRest assured my angels. [translate] 
      a积极心态 Positive point of view [translate] 
      aslender figure 苗条图 [translate] 
      adepartmental store 部门商店 [translate] 
      agod helps those who help themselves come on 自助者天助进展 [translate] 
      a牟娅女士 Ms. Mou Ya [translate] 
      a大家好,我们英语短剧的主题是一场明星的签约仪式 Everybody good, our English short drama subject is a star's signing ceremony [translate] 
      aFamiliar with MS office, especially Excel [translate] 
      al'm sorry to l'm抱歉 [translate] 
      aupstroke 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a试验前联系工作应做好,试验后应恢复原来的状态。 Before the experiment relates the work to be supposed to complete, after the experiment should restore the original condition. [translate] 
      afrom the lower floors of building 从大厦较低楼层 [translate] 
      a享受同样地待遇 Enjoys similarly the treatment [translate] 
      a打桌球不? 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a月供多少钱 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a我公司是专门生产、设计各种尺寸箱包的企业。 Our company is specially produces, designs each kind of size box package of enterprise. [translate] 
      ayou just a dog 您狗 [translate] 
      a打火机不能带 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aIn the mirror and I become more haggard, if I hold that a bit of hope, I will live better. 在镜子和我变得枯槁,如果我保持一点希望,我更将好居住。 [translate] 
      a一年一年 一岁一岁 A year year year old of year old [translate] 
      a并尽力确保其真实、准确、完整 And with every effort guarantees its really, accurate, the integrity [translate] 
      aDelivery delayed Delivery delayed [translate] 
      aUsing The Residual-Income Stock Price Valuation Model To Teach And Learn Ratio Analysis Using The Residual-Income Stock Price Valuation Model To Teach And Learn Ratio Analysis [translate] 
      aHow many in your heart fresh in the memory 多少在您的心脏新鲜在记忆 [translate] 
      a通讯不流畅 The communication is not smooth [translate] 
      a最大程度上享受试点期间的政策优惠,取得领跑者的先发优势 In the greatest degree enjoys experiment site period the policy benefit, obtains the pacemaker to send the superiority first [translate] 
      apro-opening 赞成开头 [translate] 
      a‘You shouldn't have come,’he answered,shaking the snow off his clothes.‘You'll never find your way back in the dark.’ 进取地 [translate] 
      aplease check attached 附件 请检查附加的附件 [translate] 
      aHogestraat Hogestraat [translate] 
      abulthaup b2 is probably the most compact kitchen bulthaup b2大概是最紧凑的厨房 [translate] 
      aBe responsible for the sales target and performances in the region assigned 负责对销售目标和表现在这个区域被分配的 [translate] 
      asome degree of manipulation 某一程度操作 [translate] 
      aWith his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased ________he was a man of action 与他的工作完成了,经理跨步回到他的位子,感觉喜悦的________he是付诸行动的人 [translate] 
      aI do not know that I love when the man would appear 我不知道我爱,当人会出现 [translate] 
      a你从事什么工作的 You are engaged in any work [translate] 
      aGoogle tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table (stat [translate] 
      amore rain as Noah began to paddle even harder, his muscles tightening with every stroke. 更多雨作为诺亚开始艰苦用浆划,他的拉紧与每个冲程的肌肉。 [translate] 
      a不要太依赖别人,要靠自己 Too do not rely on others, must depend on oneself [translate] 
      asome people say the key to success is the luck,while others claim it is hard work. 某些人说成功的钥匙是运气,而其他要求它是坚苦工作。 [translate] 
      a母亲回来之前,我应写完成我的报告 Before the mother comes back, I should finish my report [translate] 
      aa pond made by people 人做的池塘 [translate] 
      aeven  if  均匀  如果 [translate] 
      a平台研发部 Platform research and development department [translate] 
      abillabong 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aaccessory plastic tool status 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      asestet sestet [translate] 
      aay be your destiny and mine not fixed yet ay是您的没被修理的命运和矿 [translate] 
      a想起丑小鸭,想必大家肯定为它的苦难生活流一番眼泪。丑小鸭它是一只坚强的小鸭,在历尽千辛万苦之后终于变成了白天鹅。那是它心中的理想支持着它,让它与命运做斗争,与死神抗击到底。在家里,在芦苇丛中,在灌木丛,在沼泽地,在农家小院……它处处受嘲笑,受欺侮,但它丝毫没有灰心丧气,始终不屈不挠地奋斗,最终靠自己有力的翅膀飞向自己最美好的未来。丑小鸭成为了美丽的天鹅,难道不是靠自己的努力吗? [translate] 
      aPetiole explants cultured initially on shoot regeneration (A-CM1) medium. 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aThe company with their affiliates are producing a number of agriculture products which are available to our clients. Within our product portfolio you will find a full range of agriculture segments we work within. We can grow the quality you demand. 公司与他们的会员生产供给我们的客户的一定数量的农业产品。 在我们的产品股份单之内您将发现全方位我们工作得内的农业段。 我们可以生长您要求的质量。 [translate] 
      afact-l 事实l [translate]