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      Outstanding learning and research, has been named the province of San Haosheng, has won the scholarship, published papers in international journals, patents, honest, hard-working, motivated, good at identify problems, analyze and solve problems;


      Outstanding learning and research, has been named the province of San Haosheng, has won the scholarship, published papers in international journals, patents, honest, hard-working, motivated, good at identify problems, analyze and solve problems;


      Outstanding learning and scientific research, has been awarded provincial excellent student, won a scholarship, published papers in international journals, applications for patent, honest, diligent, self-motivated, good at detecting problems, analyze and solve problems;


      Study and research excellence, and has been rated as Province on many occasions, access to scholarships and study grants, 3 bustle at publishing papers in international publications, patent applications, and to be honest, hardworking, and found to be good at on, analyzing, and resolving problems;


      The study and the scientific research result is outstanding, once is evaluated the province three quite, many times obtains the scholarship, publishes the paper, the application patent in the international publication, honest, diligent, progresses, excels to find the problem, the analysis question a

      a我无意间有读了这本书 I had no intention to have read this book [translate] 
      aWait,is the life is the first old. 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a医生建议她在中国治疗至少两年 Doctor suggested she treats at least for two years in China [translate] 
      a我好困 I am quite sleepy [translate] 
      a所以我有足够的时间为这次月考做好复习 Therefore I will have the enough time to test for this next month complete the review [translate] 
      alectorate lectorate [translate] 
      a这类植物在全国分布很广 This kind of plant is very broad in the national distribution [translate] 
      ait's easy to open 开始是容易的 [translate] 
      aWe should work hard. 我们应该艰苦工作。 [translate] 
      a我应该怎样付款,能通过Paypal或者Amazon payment支付吗? How should I pay money, can through Paypal or Amazon the payment payment? [translate] 
      a国庆节我们有七天的假期 The National Day we have seven day-long vacations [translate] 
      a哪些必看的旅游胜地 Which have to look tourist attraction [translate] 
      a失败激发他做出很大的努力 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a我叫刘永发 My name am Liu Yongfa [translate] 
      a他收到了大学的接收函 He has received university's receive letter [translate] 
      a这首歌经常出现在我的脑海里。 This first song appears frequently in mine mind. [translate] 
      a弃土场 Spoil ground [translate] 
      a  所以我也没办法飞。 [translate] 
      aPlease kindly ifwplease double check if your schedule is ok. 如果您的日程表是好的,亲切的ifwplease请加倍检查。 [translate] 
      a爸爸和妈妈吵架了 The daddy and mother quarrelled [translate] 
      a我们容易出错 We easy to make a mistake [translate] 
      aLizz Wright Lizz怀特 [translate] 
      aopen cabinet checkfiln type 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aAnother version of this product is aleady installed aleady安装的这个产品的另一个版本 [translate] 
      a海雀 Sea sparrow [translate] 
      aFrom the result, we have enough evidence to conclude that there is significant difference between batch 1000580792 and 1000716323 on 90% confidence level, and no significant difference between 1000580792 and 1000716328 or 1000580792 and 1000716330. 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a小小的发明家 Young inventor [translate] 
      a关于会议室开放的报告 Report opens which about the conference room [translate] 
      a独霸全世界 Lords over the world [translate] 
      aIs this my plinth?--Is this the impartial insist I can refrain vision? 这我的plinth ?--公平坚持的这我能克制视觉? [translate] 
      a非常对 Extremely right [translate] 
      astation operations room 驻地手术室 [translate] 
      aState Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the [translate] 
      aduration. No nausea or vomiting and no urinary symptoms or history of inflammatory bowel [translate] 
      a请传去我的这首歌儿 [translate] 
      afuck your mactter 与您的mactter交往 [translate] 
      aporcupine 豪猪 [translate] 
      a口语指导老师 The spoken language instructs teacher [translate] 
      a企业的 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aabout payment 关于付款 [translate] 
      a外部支援机构 Exterior support organization [translate] 
      arepresent the sites of entry of the nutrient vessels of the colonic mucosa. Diverticula are [translate] 
      a出让方式 Sells the way [translate] 
      arecrystallizes 重结晶 [translate] 
      adisposition of the review 回顾的性格 [translate] 
      a当电阻大于120时,DMT变小 When the resistance is bigger than 120, DMT changes small [translate] 
      aCreating Direct3D device... [translate] 
      ayears to a level of optimization not currently achieved in 几年对不当前达到的优化的水平 [translate] 
      aYou can pay a deposit 您能支付储蓄 [translate] 
      a湄公河惨案 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      awhat's that sticking out 什么是黏附 [translate] 
      aPlease keep a second copy of your manuscript in your office. When receiving the paper, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the paper for the book or journal in question. Should authors use tables or figures from other Publications, they must ask the corresponding publishers to grant t [translate] 
      aIs there anything else I can assist you with tonight? 有没有我可以协助您与今晚的别的? [translate] 
      aYou are my fire 您是我的火 [translate] 
      a3. 若能證實Geoxy#50及AQ128跟AQ Bio Sanitizer 有同樣的效能,那麼在推銷這產品時,我是有絕對的信心及得到市場的認同。 3. If can confirm Geoxy#50 and AQ128 have the similar potency with AQ Bio Sanitizer, then when sells this product, I have 絕 to the confidence and obtains the market approval. [translate] 
      aSorry, the FP01680 was expired. It should be scrapped. 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a学习和科研成绩优异,曾被评为省三好生,多次获得奖学金,在国际刊物上发表论文、申请专利,诚实,勤奋,上进,擅长发现问题、分析问题和解决问题; The study and the scientific research result is outstanding, once is evaluated the province three quite, many times obtains the scholarship, publishes the paper, the application patent in the international publication, honest, diligent, progresses, excels to find the problem, the analysis question a [translate]