







      fate; lot; fortune; destiny


      order; command



      order; appoint


      assign (anameetc.)






      That youmaykeepall his commandments, which Icommandyou this day, and may go in, and possess the land, to which you are entering.




      Itstores the publictotake the goose, namely four, each withapieceofpaper, to, brush, points around to make it a confession.




      You work as hard as humanly possible while trying to unsettlefellow students by claiming to havedonenothing at all.




      He didn't think it wasfunny, and he orderedmeto go withhim to dig thebarriersout.




      For Mayola Williams, the widow of a man whose trust in corporateAmerica proved to be his undoing,herdecade-long trial is now at an end.




      The princedecided to follow his mother's wise advice. His armyblockaded the city for seven days andnights.




      The translatortold me thatIowed my life to the Talibancommander we had been stayingwith.




      'Don't be unobtrusive with me, boy.Itisnotmuchmoney.Besides,Ioweyou my life. Suchalittlemoney is trivial. '




      "(Laughter) He said, " He wasinacarwreck, and Ipulledhimout, gavehim CPR, and Isaved his wife'slifeas well.




      There was another scholar who hadamaid stand by his side as he was studyingatnight,towakehim up every time he fell asleep.

