

      [bì dìng]





      beboundto; besureto; certainly; undoubtedly



      全部,certainly,be bound to,be sure to,by all means,necessarily,no doubt



      Inaload-balancedenvironment,some of your SOAPrequestsarebound to carrystatefulinformation.




      I'venodoubtyou'll do a great job.I've heard nothing butgood things aboutyou.




      The beauty of a womanmust be seen from in hereyes,becausethatis the door way toherheart, the place where loveresides.




      Achieving all this,within the 30-monthterm allotted toagovernment,wasbound to be difficult.




      He said manythingsabouteconomyandabalancedbudget that hemust have regrettedafterward.




      Beingthelast,hesaid the pressure Tianmen wordsmustwin,monuments it presents, which isaleopard.




      "Withoutsubstantialpolicyaction,we would almost certainlyfacetheworsteconomicdownturnsince the SecondWorld War, " he said.




      Venus goes through a full set of phases,proving that itmustorbitaround the Sun,not the center of the epicycle.




      25And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel,saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shallcarryupmybonesfromhence.




      Oliverhasalways been abad apple.Whereverhegoes, there's going to be trouble for sure.

