






      pluck; pullout; pullup; draw; move


      draw; suckout


      lift; raise


      select; choose; pick; promote




      standoutamong; surpass


      capture; seize










      全部,draw,pluck,lift,pick,pull,pull out,pull up



      Sohisadviceis to pull the plantoutof the container,thencut the bottomhalf of the root ball into fourparts.




      "All right.Keep it sad around here for Tommy'ssake,"hesaid, and went back to thelobby, wherehepulled the doorknobfrom the wall.




      The next day,afancycarriagepulledupto the Scotsman's sparse surroundings.




      ButI did'trealize that I was at the endof the field, and I had't picked any becauseyoutold me nottogoback,so I did't go back.




      Apparently she toldhimthere had beencomplicationsandbandaged his headandjawtostophimopening his mouth.




      Theirabductorpulls over and gives chase,gundrawn, and corners theminawarehouse,butMichaelgets the drop on him witha two by four.




      IfI take out an oldtoothandreplace it with afalseone,I won't chargeyouforthetooth-pull.




      dusk,he jumped over the wall,slippedinto the witch'sgarden,fasttopullahandful of lettuce, has broughtback his wife to eather.




      Over the next two decades, the companybuiltaportfolioof unrivaled cabletelevisionnewsandentertainment brands andbusinesses.




      "You can't laycable,"hesays. "It's difficult,expensive, andsomeone is goingto pull it up out of the ground to sellit. "

