






      wave; wield


      command (anarmy)


      scatter; disperse





      全部,wave,wield,command ,brandish,swing,whisk



      The playerswingsatalowerpartof the branch with a clubfor the purpose of dislodging the ball, the ballfallsto the ground.




      But it was arealgoodsocialsceneinhistoryjusta. twenty foreverstay a longtimewithoutborders.




      But Nadal obviouslyfeelshealthy enough to give it go, but mentally the kneehas to bein the back of his mind.




      I'vebroughtupthe subject a few times,buthejustwaves away my concerns.I'd loveto have sober sex,buthowdo I persuadehim?




      Thelocationmustbe especially temptingforleft handed hitters to get thoseresultsandcontinueswinging at it.




      It was just in there andhebegantothink.




      Madewithfeatherslikeabird-likewingsof the romanticside of the sidewingsarewaving helplessly looking up the emptyblue sky.




      Hetookoutaclub with a verybighead,stood, swang and shot.




      Use a soft-bristled brushtowhiskaway the hairsanddirt that yourrubbing has broughtto the surface, taking carearound the eyes.




      It wasthecookwhowas leaning forward now over the figure in the bed.Hisarmswungupandalongknife plunged down.

