

      [shéng suǒ]





      rope; cord; cordage






      The sharkswungoverand the old mansaw his eyewas not alive and then he swung over once again,wrapping himself in twoloops of the rope.




      Sincegetting a boat in there was outof the question, the men went down on ropestosave the victim.




      Aneasilyignitedcordor wick, formerlyused to detonate powder charges or to fire cannons and muzzleloading firearms.




      It has aflatsurface formed bytwostickstied into acrossandatail that helpskeepitstable. It fliesnicelyin light to medium winds.




      Aropeorrawhidehalterwithawide band that Can beloweredoverahorse'seyes,used in breaking horsestoabridle.




      In the tomb's far corner, Galaeron foundaknottedrope leading downintoafreshly opened hole.




      Thefamouschandelier,withits thou sandlights,broke away from its ropes and crashed down on to the people below.




      Thenardier thrust his fistintoalargepocket concealed under his blouse,drew out arope and offered it to Jean Valjean.




      She was not,like so many, endeavouring toputtheoceanintoa tea-cup, or to tieup the shifting universe in a mess ofstringscalledlaw.




      noropes to hold,nobuoys to clutchassweepyoushallbepulledbelow, the undercurrentof that flow of eviltides your own travail.

