

      [chóng jiàn]





      reestablishment; reconstruction


      rebuild; reconstruct; reestablish; rehabilitate






      It's a problembigenoughtojeopardizetherecoverythat the economy seems to be building.




      She despised theChechenleaders installed byRussia: theylootedreconstructionmoney,she said, using torture andkidnapping as a weapon.




      Americanconsumersandindustrythrow awayenoughaluminuminayear to rebuildourentireairplanecommercialfleeteverythreemonths.




      Senator Cochran saidhe would work to "craft language andfunding that willbeapprovedbytheSenate" in the next recovery bill forallU.




      Sheadds that Franceisready to helpin the reconstructionofIraq,butit will not take action unless within the UN framework.




      UntilCambodia's post-civil warreconstructionbegan a few yearsago, the Mekong also provided the onlyform of transportnorth.




      The onlymeasurableresultofthis sort of activity iswhetheryoumake an immediate sale.




      Revivingthefishponds is not justamatterofrebuildingwhat was there before.




      Inhisview it would be better to start again withafullyvettedstaffand a newethos.




      Consultationandinclusion have been guidingprinciples of theBank's approach toreconstructionfollowingDecember's tsunami.

