

      选择语言:从 中文简体 到 英语



      I see your ticket?


      May I see your ticket, please?


      May I see your ticket, please?


      I can see your votes?


      I may have a look your ticket?

      aGD 16 –18 (Group 3) and (GD 18 only, Group 4). GD 16 - 18 (小组3)和(GD 18仅,小组4)。 [translate] 
      a他们带上绳子,然后出发 They take to bring with the string, then embarks [translate] 
      aMr.Smith is on another line at the moment. Mr.Smith当时在另一条线。 [translate] 
      a信号的频率范围为0.1kHz~10MHz。 The signal frequency range is 0.1kHz~10MHz. [translate] 
      a第八次 第⑨次 第十一次 Eighth grading ⑨Grading 11 times [translate] 
      atreatment room 治疗室 [translate] 
      aamusicbook amusicbook [translate] 
      a他是昨晚车被偷的那个人 He was last night vehicle that person who stole [translate] 
      aGloria Gloria [translate] 
      aHappiness is like provence, lavender, only drove a season . 幸福是象普罗旺斯,淡紫色,只有驾驶了季节。 [translate] 
      a黑小龙 Black young Long [translate] 
      a女朋友 女 [translate] 
      a所以我恳请签证官批准我们的签证 Therefore I request earnestly the visa official to authorize our visa [translate] 
      a我答应你 I promise you [translate] 
      a让她觉得我也能为她分忧 Let her think I also can share sorrow for her [translate] 
      ayes, I do 是,我 [translate] 
      a敌人 Enemy [translate] 
      atrust is like an eraser. it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake. 信任是象橡皮擦。 它得到小和小在每个差错以后。 [translate] 
      a我心里那一丝哀愁在每年秋天这个时候。 In my heart that sorrowfully in every year autumn this time. [translate] 
      aSocial Deduction Total Social Deduction Total [translate] 
      aNow and forever, let it be me…… 现在和永远,让它是我...... [translate] 
      awith your presence love be scomes a penr fection 充满您的存在爱是scomes每penr fection [translate] 
      aalign mold 排列 [translate] 
      aMoney can lead one into a coffin, while one can't enter a coffin with money. 而你不可能进入一个棺材与金钱,金钱可能带领一入棺材。 [translate] 
      aI have passed your heart, not I don't want to stay, but you would not shelter 我通过了您的心脏,不是我不想要停留,但是您不会庇护 [translate] 
      a介绍软件和推销软件 Introduces the software and the sales promotion software [translate] 
      a我最喜欢的颜色是什么? I most like what is the color? [translate] 
      a市场总监 Market inspector general [translate] 
      aI will be back 我将回来 [translate] 
      aCERTAINLY 一定 [translate] 
      a我们到这就这样吧,祝你一路顺风 We to this like this, wish your Bon Voyage [translate] 
      a我的天啊 My day [translate] 
      aadd the mild to the extreme if you know what 增加温和到极端,如果您知道什么 [translate] 
      athanks a lot for help me with my english 很多感谢帮助我以我的英国 [translate] 
      a万物丛生 The myriad things grow thickly [translate] 
      a注意身体 몸 주의한다 [translate] 
      a图书室 Library [translate] 
      a代表同学 On behalf of schoolmate [translate] 
      a或许我们相守到老,或许我们各奔东西 Perhaps we defend old, perhaps we drift apart [translate] 
      a空间结构规划图 Spatial structure planning drawing [translate] 
      a全力以赴,做到最好 Whole-heartedly, achieves well [translate] 
      aThere is a question, but who tama knows?! There is a question, but who tama knows?! [translate] 
      athough life 虽则生活 [translate] 
      a全力以赴 Whole-heartedly [translate] 
      a每天都要记一些新单词 Every day must record some new words [translate] 
      amosquitoes 蚊子 [translate] 
      acycles length 周期时间 [translate] 
      a我可以看看你的票吗? I may have a look your ticket? [translate]