

      选择语言:从 中文简体 到 英语





      You just talking about this story reminds me of an experience I had had


      You just tell this story reminds me of I have ever had an experience


      You have just this story reminds me of a meeting I had experienced


      You just said this story causes I remembered me once to have an experience

      a买肉 Buys the meat [translate] 
      aDHCP Server Lease Time DHCP服务器租约时间 [translate] 
      abut with thirty million different species ,do one or two species matter? 但以三十百万个不同种类,一两个种类是否事关? [translate] 
      a电脑加工 Computer processing [translate] 
      awhat is YOUR firsT NAME please?? 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a您的选择是我的期望。给我一次机会还您一份惊喜。 期待您的回复。 Your choice is my expectation.For me opportunity also your pleasantly surprised. Anticipates your reply. [translate] 
      a50tkn flesh 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aOrder is rejected because the wrong sewing thread at lace and button hole position is wrong. 正在翻译,请等待... 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a多少节电脑学习课有你们每周有 How many computer study class has your each week to have [translate] 
      a管理委员会决定各部门的政策 The management committee decides various departments the policy [translate] 
      aMonitor live game statistics 监测活游戏统计 [translate] 
      a这场海啸释放的能量超过了美国一个月所消耗能量的总和 This tsunami release energy has surpassed an American month institute expended energy sum total [translate] 
      aIt's hard to make a decision 做出决定是坚硬的 [translate] 
      ahello,l'mamy.hello,amy 你好, mamy.hello, amy [translate] 
      alearn more about you 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aI know who is your love ,I have to tell you something that she doesn't love you, so give up please thanks. 我知道谁是您的爱,我必须告诉您某事她不爱您,因此放弃取乐感谢。 [translate] 
      a“This is a very litigious society, so if you own a store or surface where customers walk or you have a parking lot, you are susceptible to people claiming they fell and injured themselves,' Lougovskaia says. “If you don't have any surveillance and safety procedures in place, you are susceptible to frivolous liability c “这是一个非常好诉讼社会,因此,如果您拥有商店或表面,他们跌倒并且伤害自己的顾客走或您有一个停车场,您是易受人要求‘Lougovskaia说。 “如果您到位没有任何监视和安全程序,您是易受轻佻责任怨言。‘ [translate] 
      asomeone is making wedding in our hotel ,it is too loud to not sleeping ,i am crazy 某人在我们的旅馆里做婚礼,它是太大声的到不睡觉,我是疯狂的 [translate] 
      ai shall lend the money to who comes first 我将借金钱对谁首先来 [translate] 
      aIrving Tx 75063 Irving Tx 75063 [translate] 
      a转身留那1抹伤 Turns around to keep that 1 to wipe the wound [translate] 
      a把食用油放到水里会是什么样的 Puts the cooking oil to the water in can be any type [translate] 
      awith years going by,my illness got worse 当几年路过,我的病症得到了坏 [translate] 
      a这个懒惰的人是谁?他是你侄儿吗 Who is this lazy person? He is your nephew [translate] 
      athey failed to get the check 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a我的心常下雪,不管天气如何。它总是突然的冻结,无法商量。我望向繁花盛开的世界。,固定缺席。我的心开始下雪,雪无声的覆盖了所有。湮灭了迷茫,骄傲和哀痛。当一切归于寂静,世界突然变的清凉明朗。所以,别为我忧伤,我有我的美丽。它正要开始。 [translate] 
      aSTOP THINKING。 停止想法。 [translate] 
      aDo you want to continue installing using the default cinfiguration? 您是否想要持续安装使用缺省cinfiguration ? [translate] 
      aEngages in introspection the dead weight autonomy from the police 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aDepth of filed 深度的归档 [translate] 
      a虽然好了 Although was good [translate] 
      acity commission schedule 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      awe are ten years old 我们是十年 [translate] 
      a;; the following line is used to make the turtles [translate] 
      aaux power hookup fuse 辅助力量联结线路保险丝 [translate] 
      a这个专业不比我想象中的简单 이 특기는 간명을 저에 비교해 상상하지 않는다 [translate] 
      abalochistan 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a推出第一款手机 Promotes the first section handset [translate] 
      arichway good reputation richway好名誉 [translate] 
      a所以,在面临心理压力时,你一定要做到:不要让压力占据你的头脑。 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a1=按照Wilson导联体系开始送数 [translate] 
      apay time 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a不能让自己的父母担心 Cannot let own parents worry [translate] 
      aI'm away and will reply as soon as I come back to chat on eBuddy 当我在eBuddy,回来聊天我是去的,并且回复 [translate] 
      a0=3.3s,时间常数控制,缺省=1 [translate] 
      aclassic design 经典设计 [translate] 
      a你傻得无可救药 You are much sillier [translate] 
      ahave you ever started a business? Or put together a social event that brought people together? Or started a new organization? 您开始了事务? 或汇集带来人的一次社交活动? 或开始一个新的组织? [translate] 
      a心里莫名的酸痛 心里莫名的酸痛 [translate] 
      a根据你所需商品的初步描述, Needs the commodity according to you the preliminary description, [translate] 
      a她有10张CD She has 10 CD [translate] 
      a这座桥是石头制成的 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aThis could be because certain application requirements have not been fulfilled. 因为某些应用程序要求未被履行,这可能是。 [translate] 
      aWrite the missing math sign to make the equation equal 100. 写缺掉算术标志做等式均等100。 [translate] 
      aeCosway.com [translate] 
      a老婆我爱你。之前让你伤心了。以后我会好好的爱你。 The wife I loves you.Before let you be sad.Later I will be able well to love you. [translate] 
      a你刚刚讲的这个故事使我想起我曾有过的一次经历 You just said this story causes I remembered me once to have an experience