

      61、this could have gone a completely different way这个过程可以完全换一种方式
      注意这里不是用的change another way,而是用 have gone哦

      64、I rock 我太厉害了

      62、why the about-face你怎么变卦了
      about-face (n.)1.向后转;转回原来方向;2.(立场、观点等的)彻底改变;变卦

      63、spit it out 有话直说
      spit 吐(唾液等)[(+out)];it就是指对方要说的话,

      65、I am all ears 我洗耳恭听
      如果说party很棒也可以说 that party rocks!

      66、The only way to get things back to the way they were are to do things that were
      长句子咧(The only way to get things back to the way they were)( are)( to do things that were)
      to get things back to the way they were 是修饰 the only way的
      that were是修饰things的
      比如as you were. 不小心打断了某人说话就可以说这句“你继续吧”
      还有——She is my girlfriend.
      ——No,she was your girlfriend.

      67、soul searching 深刻的自我反省
      stefan问damon你最近干什么,damon回答 "doing some soul searching"

      68、F.Y.I.-for you information 顺便说一下
      BTW-by the way

      69 ) start over 重新来过
      我更喜欢start fresh的表达方式(第一集开头)
