Fujian's fish farms open up...

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Fujian's fish farms open up possibility of sustainable food production

Updated: May 14, 2024By Li Leichinadaily.com.cnPrint
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Three kilometers off the coast of Lianjiang county in Fujian province, a state-of-the-art $2.5-million deep-sea fish farm stretches far and wide, engineered to endure even the fiercest typhoons. With the coastal waters teeming with fish farms, fishing enterprises are setting their sights on expansive offshore territories. These pioneering sea farms play a pivotal role in China's ambitious "blue grain barn" initiative, which aims to explore novel protein and carbohydrate reservoirs. In Fujian, a province with limited viable land and frequent typhoons, the strategic emphasis on oceanic food sourcing has turned it into a key provider of seafood and marine algae, heralding a new era in sustainable food production.