

      2)  salt works


      3)  saltern


      4)  salt making



      According to the present state of the industry of salt making in our country, some methods for saving energy were given.



      From the visual angle of the history of science and technology, this paper probes into the factors influencing the salt making technology of bedding-watering-drying such as natural conditions, and wind direction, etc.



      Salt incrustation often happens in heat exchange tubes of salt making evaporator.


      5)  salt producing



      In addition, refrigerator & heat pump may be combined with seawater desalination equipment and salt producing machines to construct a integrated system, it may be a desired way to solve some important problems for city development and public utilities.


      6)  vacuum salt making



      Based on actual production of Yongda Company,the method,measure and achievement for the equipment of vacuum salt making,including production increasing,energy saving and consumption reducing were introduced.



      This paper provides an overiew of scale prevention and scale removal method in vacuum salt making.



      Based on practice,this paper analyses the merits and demerits of different processes of vacuum salt making with CaSO4 type brine and the development orientation in the future.


      7)  salt making enterprise



      Under the background that the government is implementing the system reform of salt industry at present,this paper makes research on how to transform the resource advantage into marketing competitive advantage and the marketing strategy of salt making enterprises in huai'an by applying the theory of regional economics and marketing.


      8)  refined salt



      In the tentative testing of manufacturing of coal mine permissible ammonite, refined salt is used instead of raw salt and the roasting of raw salt is eliminated.


      9)  salt industry



      The paper introduces the status of salt industry standardization application and lists related standards.


      10)  Salt making industry



      salt produced from sea water
      ha一shui zhlyan海水制盐(salt produced五℃1llsea water)全世界沿海国家都曾在某个时期利用海水生产过海盐,至今仍有60多个国家以工业规模生产海盐,每年平均有4仪旧万吨食盐来自海水,一部分供人类消费,大部分则作为制碱及其他化学工业的原料。}0称户咒礴\厂一亨)尸-落了一入{}海水/献他漏池厂八郧门{ 海水制盐示意图 中国海盐生产产量一直居世界首位,1990年有盐田面积0.38万平方千米,年产海盐1(X兀)多万吨,承担着6亿人口的食用盐和80%工业用盐任务。中国海盐产量占全国原盐总产量的57.5%,远远超过全世界所占的平均数(约30%)。中国发展海盐业生产条件优越,特别是北方沿海,滩涂广阔、蒸发量大、降水量小,适宜晒盐。此外,莱州湾、渤海湾和复州湾沿岸还埋藏有丰富的地下卤水资源。 目前,海水制盐所采用的方法大部分仍为盐田蒸发法,利用风能和太阳能使海水蒸发。其主要生产过程包括纳潮、制卤、结晶、采盐、贮运等步骤。这种古老方法有产量高、耗能少、成本低、运输方便等优点,生产周期一般为2~6个月。有些国家由于温度、气候、降雨等条件的限制,直接蒸发海水有困难,如日本从20世纪70年代开始采用电渗析法制取食盐,这种方法有占地面积小、厂址不受自然条件限制、生产不受气候影响、制得的盐纯度高、装置易实现自动化操作、投资少等优点,具有广泛的发展前途。另外,高纬度国家如俄罗斯、瑞典等国,仍用冷冻法来制盐(参见彩图插页第79页)。 在海盐生产过程中,有大量的副产品—苦卤。它可以作为发展中的重要盐化工原料,生产镁盐、钾盐、芒硝和澳等十多种产品。(余国辉)



      控制盐密  海水制盐  制盐厂房  制盐业  制盐技术  制盐工艺  制盐母液  精制盐酸  腌制(盐渍)  精制盐饼  精制盐厂  地质层序  用锁固定