

      2)  gravitational lensing


      3)  gravitational micro-lensing


      4)  microgravitational lensing


      5)  attraction



      As to the fourth strength theorem,there is still inadequate on application,so this paper at first starts from the theorem of molecular attraction and repulsion,then combining some experimental facts to revise the fourth strength theorem in order to make it more applicable.



      This paper discusses the attraction between the origin and destination(O-D),the method of O-D distribution and its application.


      6)  Gravitation



      A discussion on the relation between the gravitation affecting the Sun in the Galaxy and the distance r to the center of the Galaxy;



      A clustering result evaluating algorithm is presented in a gravitational way,where all the data points in the data space are regarded as the particles assigned with unit mass.



      The method of small parameter and setting up model of dumbbells are used to calculate the gravitational radiation of Double Satellite,and the expression of quadrupole radiation power is obtained.


      7)  gravity



      Gravity-based clustering approach;



      Spinor field equations of unified gravity and electromagnetic field with space-time torsion;



      He is engaged with a series of creating research works about gravity quantization of General Relativity Theory in the real space-time which attract the attentions of the world.


      8)  attractive force


      9)  attractive power


      10)  force of attraction






      真空引力  静电引力  引力场  扰动引力  吸引力  万有引力  引力位  引力辐射  教练控制  变压器调节