
恒星英语学习网 2007年03月25日

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      Part A: Spot Dictation
      1. formal committee meetings 2. several reasons
      3. feel more committed to 4. imaginative and informed decisions
      5. have drawbacks 6. more group pressure
      7. seem to be ideal sizes 8. from the floor
      9. the style of its leader 10. let everyone speak
      11. take a vote 12. seconded and discussed
      13. a consensus of members 14. circulated in advance
      15. a list of points 16. is to speed up
      17. in logical order 18. the meeting’s function
      19. structured and planned 20. chance conversations
      Part B: Listening comprehension
      1-5 B D C C B 6-10 C C C D B
      11-15 D B A C B 16-20 D A C B D
      1-5 B C D A C 6-10 D B B D A
      11-15 C B A A D 16-20 D B A C C
      Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling
      1. Ten 2. adult / adolescent
      3. egocentricity 4. receive
      5. object/target 6. attachment
      7. loses 8. father
      9. differences 10. unconditional
      11. Net/fulfilled 12. expectation
      13. relationship 14. natural
      15. law 16. adventure
      17. world 18. conditional
      19. positive 20. withdrawn
      Part B: Listening and Translation
      Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
      1. 就我所知,妇女几乎在所有岗位上比男性同事受到的压力小,也更善于应付。
      2. 我们采访了300 多位来自试图实施办公自动化的不同机构的人,但是看来成功的实例很
      3. 政治分析家说,在这个非洲国家,暴力已达到一个危机点,对该国刚产生的民主体制构
      4. 暴风雨使城里大片地区数千居民的电力供应中断,使学校和许多工厂关门。
      5. 一位叫约翰逊的先生从洛杉矶打来长途电话,说他们还未收到我们寄出的样品。他们等
      Ⅱ. Passage Translation
      1. 外出度假时,明智的做法是把家里的钥匙交给一位邻居或亲戚,一旦发生紧急情况可以
      2. 我们60%的雇员在欧洲以外的地区,在我们的了公司和联营公司工作。这可以向你们
      1. According to the passage, the major task of MASSPIRG and other watchdog groups is to
      protect consumer rights and to advocate environmental protection/conservation. They
      watch/ observe the situation of environment pollution, supervise the operations of industries
      and government agencies related to such issues and make suggestions on measures of
      environment protection.
      2. The recycling of used paper can save trees and other natural / raw materials, reduce the use
      of harmful chemicals, save energy and reduce pollution / contribute to the conservation of
      3. The expression / phrase “virgin material” refers to unused / natural material (s) such trees
      and plants. The expression “phenomenal growth” means extraordinary / outstanding /
      significant development / increase.
      4. The teachers oppose the government’s education reforms because they think bill 60 is not
      democratic and deprives them of their rights. They think / hold that teachers should be
      involved in school / education policy decision-making.
      5. The government is not satisfactory with the current situation, mainly the declining of
      students’ peformance on international test scores, the doubling of school expenditure over
      the past ten years and less teaching time teachers spend in the classroom. The government
      is planning to adopt some measures of reform.
      6. The author tries to show different attitudes of students towards teachers’ strike. Although
      many students are on the teachers’ side, for students preparing for college / university study,
      they can be the victims of the teachers’ strike, and the example of Sarah Wright shows such
      7. Because a large number of women have stopped taking contraceptives. The warnings about
      the possible link between the contraceptives and the fatal disease thrombosis has led them
      to the conclusion that taking such pills would be very dangerous / harmful to their health.
      8. CSM stands for the Committee on the Safety of Medicine. It was criticized by the WHO for
      its improper way of releasing the information about the possible link between contraceptive
      pills and thrombosis, which has aroused great panic among women.
      9. Both of them hold the view that the general practitioners and family planning professionals
      should be informed of the warnings and proper recommendations first.
      10. The word “culprit” originally means an offender / one in fault / a guilty person, here it is
      used to refer to someone who is responsible for something. The phrase “spell out” means
      “give explicit / clear explanation of something / make clear the meaning of something.”
      For a very long period of historical development, mankind could only pass on music though
      performance and oral instruction. When mankind invented musical scores, music started to break
      away from the boundaries of being merely a performing art, and develop into a system of
      “written symbols” that can be recorded and spread. Undoubtedly, however, it was the scientists
      who should be crowned as the founders of the real revolutionary milestone of human musical
      communication. Scientists invented marvelous means of music transmission, beginning from the
      earliest mechanical “record turntable” to today’s many kinds of “electronic media”. Among
      the numerous means of music transmission of the 20 century, the creation and development of
      radio broadcasting played an extremely important role in the industry of music transmission.
      Nevertheless, the rapid development of high technology has brought serious challenges to
      China’s radio music workers in the new century.
      Part A:Spot Dictation
      Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with
      blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write
      your answer in the corresponding space in your NSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear
      the passage only once. Now let’s begin Part A with Spot Dictation.
      Business people spend quite a lot of time in meetings and meetings come in all shapes and
      sizes: ranging from formal committee meetings to informal one-to-one meetings.
      There are several reasons why meetings are held: reaching decisions in a meeting means
      that all the participants can feel more committed to the decision: more information is available;
      and different ideas can be contributed.
      Meetings can lead to more imaginative and informed decisions—often more courageous
      decisions than one person might feel brave enough to make.
      But meetings also have drawbacks: more time is required; there’s more talk, sometimes
      irrelevant and repetitive; and more group pressure.
      The more people there are at a meeting, the longer it may take to reach a decision. There
      seem to be ideal sizes for meetings, depending on the purpose—a meeting where information is
      being given to people can be quite large, as questions from the floor may be asked by a few
      individuals on everyone else’s behalf.
      The way a committee operates often depends on the style of its leader or chairperson: he or
      she may control the proceedings or let everyone speak whenever they want. An effective
      chairman should be flexible. In some meetings the members have to take a vote before a
      decision can be made: formal proposals or “motions” may have to be tabled, seconded and
      discussed before a vote can be taken. Other meetings may require a consensus of members—
      everyone has to agree.
      Most meetings have an agenda. For a formal meeting, this document may be circulated in
      advance to all participants. For an informal meeting, the agenda may be simply a list of points
      that have to be dealt with. The purpose of an agenda is to speed up the meeting and keep
      everyone to the point. The agenda for a formal meeting must be organized in logical order. Often
      the agenda shows not only the topics but also the meeting’s function regarding each topic. All
      items on which a decision is to be taken should appear on the agenda.
      One-to-one small informal meetings also tend to be structured and planned. They are
      different from chance conversations in a corridor or over coffee. Small informal meetings may
      also take place or continue during a meal.
      Part B:Listening Comprehension
      Directions: In this part of the test, there will be some short talks and conversations. After each
      one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken
      only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and
      write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANWER
      Questions 1~5 are based on the following conversation.
      Arthur: Mary, you know I’ve been thinking about applying for a job in Germany. Well. I’ve
      got the details about different jobs and I’d like your opinion about which would be the
      best one to go for.
      Mary: Where are the jobs?
      Arthur: One’s Munich, one’s in Frankfurt and the other one’s in Hamburg.
      Mary: Munich’s supposed to be a very nice place.
      Arthur: Yes it is, and it’s also in a beautiful part of Germany, not far from the Alps.
      Mary: That would be great for the kids—they’d love to be able to go skiing at weekends!
      Arthur: But, one problem with Munich is that it’s growing very fast. That means the cost of
      living will probably be very high.
      Mary: How does the salary of the job in Munich compare with the other jobs?
      Arthur: It’s a higher salary than the job in Frankfurt but lower than the one in Hamburg. The
      Hamburg job has the most responsibility. From the point of view of career progression
      that would probably be the best job for me.
      Mary: Hamburg’s the closest to Britain, too, so it would be easy to come back for long
      weekends and holidays.
      Arthur: That’s right, and there’s regular ferry service which would save quite a bit on fares.
      Mary: What about the cost of living in Germany as a whole? How does it compare with
      Arthur: Well, it’s definitely higher than over here, but salaries are substantially higher, so we’d
      certainly be better off than we are now.
      Mary: And what about accommodation?
      Arthur: well, actually, flats are much cheaper to rent in towns like Munich, Frankfurt and
      Hamburg than they are here in London, so we’d be able to afford to live in a nice,
      spacious flat, I’d think.
      Mary: Mmm, that’d be nice! And do you know what the cultural facilities are like in these
      Arthur: In fact, they’re quite good in all three. But, of course, Munich has an international
      reputation as a cultural center.
      Mary: Another thing we’ll have to consider, of course, are the educational possibilities. How
      long would you want to go to Germany for?
      Arthur: I think a maximum of five years. I think working overseas will be good for my career
      and, of course, it’d be a good experience for you and the kids, too!
      Mary: So we’d be there long enough to enable John to complete a university course.
      Arthur: Well, yes we would, unless of course he preferred to go to a university in the UK. But,
      yes, if he did want to go to university in Germany, there’s be no problem as each of
      those cities have their own universities. Munich, in fact, has the second largest
      university in Germany.
      Mary: Well, It seems to me the choice must be between Hamburg and Munich. Hamburg has
      the advantage of being the closest to Britain, so coming home would be relatively easy
      and inexpensive. Munich, on the other hand, sounds like the most interesting place
      from a cultural point of view.
      Arthur: I agree with you. Personally, I favour Munich because it’s so near to the Alps. We all
      like skiing and we could go skiing at weekends in the winter.
      Mary: I think you’re right. I had thought Hamburg might be preferable because it’s the
      closest to Britain. But we’ll only be abroad for five years, and if we’re going to be
      away, let’s choose the most attractive place we can.
      Arthur: Right. That’s agreed. Now all I have to do is get the job!
      Question No.1. What are the man and the woman mainly talking about?
      Question No.2. Which of the following cities is NOT mentioned in the conversation?
      Question No.3. How does the salary of the Munich job compare with the other jobs?
      Question No.4. How long does the man intend to stay in germany?
      Question No.5. Which of the following statements is true, according to the conversation?
      Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.
      (Newscaster): Eight o’clock. Here is the news read by Andrew Viney. Good evening. First
      the international news headlines:
      Fighting has continued all day in Timor and there have been heavy casualties.
      In the Untied States the President has said the Star Wars Project will not go ahead it there is
      a new arms agreement with Russia.
      In Brussels the Common Market countries have agreed after ten months of discussion on a
      new agricultural policy. And now for the national news:
      The rail strike continues. Negotiations between the rail workers’ union and the railway
      management broke down today once again with the management offering an eight per cent pay
      rise and the union still insisting on the full twelve per cent they initially demanded. Negotiations
      will, however, resume tomorrow.
      The latest inflation and unemployment figures were issued today; the current inflation rate
      is seven and a half per cent—that’s one per cent up on last month. This rate is still lower than
      most of our Common Market partners, but higher than the United States. Unemployment figures
      have also risen—fourteen percent compared with thirteen per cent last month. This rise is due
      particularly to the high numbers of school leavers coming on to the job market at present.
      The Prime Minister today visited Felixstowe where he opened a new car factory. After
      wishing the factory every success he said the factory’s new production patterns, which are based
      on robots, should provide a model to all new industry.
      The long and unusual spell of hot weather is beginning to cause water supply problems. In
      parts of Yorkshire and Lancashire, water was cut for six hours today. Local water authorities,
      bombarded by protests and complaints, have said that they have taken emergency measures,
      which will ensure supply to hospitals and fire stations, and public pumps have been set up in all
      the towns in the affected areas.
      And, so to tomorrow’s weather—not too good, I’m afraid—it will be cloudy and humid in
      all parts of the country except the south-west where there’ll be sunny periods.
      And that’s the end of the news.
      Question No.6. What has the U. S. president said about the Star Wars Project?
      Question No.7. According to the news, which of the following countries has the lowest
      inflation rate?
      Question No.8. What per cent pay rise does the rail workers’ union demand?
      Question No.9. What did the Prime Minister do when he visited Felixstowe?
      Question No.10. What is beginning to cause the water supply problems in parts of the
      Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.
      Man: How did you become a hypnotist?
      Woman: Well um I’d been an er—I’d been teaching exercises for a long time; in fact when I
      was at college I was going to be an infant teacher and I wanted, you know, eventually
      to be a child psychologist. But once I started I didn’t find it actually terribly enjoyable
      so I just left and I went into the exercise profession almost by mistake. And I’d been
      doing that for about four years and it was very nice, but mentally it wasn’t stimulating
      enough and I wanted to do something else…
      Man: D’you mean by the exercise professioner aerobics and weight training?
      Woman: Yeah I was teaching all kinds of things… yoga, aerobics, but I’d gone to America by
      then but I wanted to do something else because mentally it just wasn’t stimulating
      enough. And I was very aware especially in America that, like, one in every eight girls
      has a really serious eating problem like bulimia, anorexia which does kill a lot of
      people and it, it does make people actually go mentally deficient too in the end
      because it’s so damaging. And I was very aware of how serious a problem it was but I
      wasn’t going to do anything about it; and in fact I had a… what I guess… it was a
      minor eating problem and, but finally I went to see a hypnotist just almost by mistake
      actually; and I wasn’t particularly impressed with what he did but I was surprised to
      find that it was working and… and so I was practicing it on myself and I went back to
      see him about two weeks later and I said, you know, I’ve been doing this myself and
      he said, “Well show me what you’ve been doing.”So I did, and he said that, you know,
      I was very good at it and I should utilize it and I really didn’t need to come back to
      him. And also I’d always been late… I’d been late all my life… I just could not stop
      being late; and so I worked on that and that stopped, it just stopped overnight. It was
      almost uncanny. So then I was so interested that I went off on a self-hypnosis course,
      really just to learn how to do it for myself. And while I was on this course I just
      thought you know I’m going to do this a career because I suddenly realized that I
      could work with all these people in my classes that were anorexic, bulimic or had very
      very low self images and I could still teach.
      Question No.11. How did the woman being interviewed become a hypnotist?
      Question No.12. What did the woman want to become eventually when she was at college?
      Question No.13. Why did the woman give up the exercise profession?
      Question No.14. Why did the woman go to see the hypnotist at first?
      Question No.15. According to the woman, which type of people attended the self-hypnosis
      Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.
      (Man) Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for attending this investment
      analysts’ meeting. As you may have heard, we are planning a big expansion of our company. To
      give all the analysts present the background to our present strong position, I would like to outline
      the company’s performance over the past years.
      If you will look at this graph of our gross turnover, you will see that at the end of our first
      year, that is 1992, we had a gross turnover of 3 million dollars. This figure was better than our
      expectations and shows that our home security system did find a gap in the market. This was
      confirmed by the doubling of our gross turnover in 1993. We also think this rapid rise in sales
      was helped by our extensive advertising campaign.
      As the graph indicates, 1993 showed a slight decline in gross turnover of 500,000 dollars.
      This was due to the fact that by this time competitors, seeing our success, had produced rivals to
      our model. This led to some loss of sales.
      To meet this increased competition in 1994, we introduced an incentive scheme for our
      dealers plus very favourable credit terms for customers. As a result we stopped any further
      reduction in sales and, in fact, we managed to increase turnover to 5, 600, 000 dollars.
      The year 1995 saw the introduction of our updated product with a number of new features.
      This led to a steady rise in sales throughout the year. The gross turnover figure at the end of 1995
      is slightly different from that of the previous years. For it included two figures: one, the total of
      sales of the new model. This amounted to 5.5 million dollars. The second part of the total for
      1995 represents purchase of the new features alone, for we had designed these so they could be
      added to the old model of our security system. This figure is about 1,100,000 dollars. Together,
      therefore, these two sums represent a total turnover of 6,600,000 dollars. And that, ladies and
      gentlemen, is the situation as it stands today. However, I can add that sales figures for the first
      part of this year are very encouraging and we have high hopes for the second part of this year.
      Question No.16. To whom is the man addressing?
      Question No.17. What is the main topic of the speech?
      Question No.18. What products or service does the company sell?
      Question No.19. What caused the slight decline in gross turnover for the year 1993?
      Question No.20. What is the gross turnover for the year 1995?
      Part A: Note-taking and Gap-filling
      Directions: In this part of the test you will hear a short talk. You will hear the talk only once.
      While listening to the talk, you may take notes on the important points so that you can have
      enough information to complete a gap-filling task on a separate ANSWER BOOKLET. You are
      required to write ONE word or figure only in each blank. You will not get your ANSWER
      BOOKLET until after you have listened to the talk. Now, let’s begin Part A with Note-taking and
      Today I’d like to talk about love between child and parent.
      For most children before the age from eight and a half to ten, the problem is almost
      exclusively that of being loved—of being loved for what one is. The child up to this age does not
      yet love; he responds gratefully and joyfully to being loved. At this point of the child’s
      development a new factor enters into the picture: that of producing love by one’s own activity.
      For the first time, the child thinks of giving something to mother or to father. For the first time in
      the child’s life the idea of love is changed from being loved into loving, into creating love. It
      takes many years from this first beginning go the maturing of love. Eventually the child may
      now be an adolescent and has overcome his egocentricity; the other person is not any more
      primarily a means to the satisfaction of his own needs. The needs of the other person are as
      important as his own—in fact, they have become more important. To give has become more
      satisfactory and more joyous than to receive; to love has become more important even than
      being loved.
      Closely related to the development of the capacity of love is the development of the object
      of love. The first months and years of the child are those where his closest attachment is to the
      mother. This attachment begins before the moment of birth, when mother and child are still
      one, although they are two. Although the child is now living outside of the womb, he is still
      completely dependent on mother. But he becomes more independent day by day: he learns to
      walk, to talk and to explore the world on his own; the relationship to mother loses some of its
      vital significance, and instead the relationship to father becomes more and more important.
      In order to understand this shift from mother to father, we must consider the essential
      differences in quality between motherly and fatherly love. We have already spoken about
      motherly love. Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the newborn
      infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived
      up to any specific expectation.
      The relationship to father is quite different. Mother is the home we come from. She is
      nature, soil, the ocean; father does not represent any such natural home, he has little connection
      with the child in the first years of its life, and his importance for the child in this period cannot
      be compared with that of mother. But while father does not represent the natural world, he
      represents the other pole of human existence. He represents the world of thought, of law and
      order, of discipline, and of travel and adventure. Father is the one who teaches the child, who
      shows him the road into the world.
      Closely related to this function is one which is connected with socio-economic development.
      When private property came into existence, and when private property could be inherited by one
      of the sons, father began to look for that son to whom he could leave his property. Naturally, that
      was the one whom father thought best fitted to become his successor, the son who was most like
      him, and consequently whom he liked the most. Fatherly love is conditional love. Its principle is
      “I love you because you fulfil my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like
      me.”In conditional fatherly love we find a negative and a positive aspect. The negative aspect is
      the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved, that it can be lost if one does not do what is
      expected. In the nature of fatherly love lies the fact that obedience becomes the main virtue, that
      disobedience is the main sin—and its punishment is the withdrawal of fatherly love
      Part B: Listening and translation
      Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
      Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences
      only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in
      the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Now let’s begin Sentence Translation
      WITH sentence No. 1.
      Sentence No.1. Women in almost all jobs are less stressed and cope better than their male
      colleagues, as far as I can tell.
      Sentence No.2. We have interviewed more than 300 people from different organizations
      attempting to automate their offices, but there are few success stories.
      Sentence No.3. Violence is this African country is reaching a crisis point and poses a major
      threat to the country’s infant democracy, political analysts say.
      Sentence No.4. The storm left thousands of people without electricity in large parts of the
      city, forcing the closure of schools and many factories.
      Sentence No.5. A Mr. Johnson called on long-distance from Los Angeles, saying they’ve
      still not received the samples we sent. They’re getting impatient.
      Ⅱ. Passage Translation
      Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 English passages. You will hear the passage
      only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in
      the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.. You may take notes while you are
      listening. Now let’s begin Passage Translation with the first passage.
      Passage 1:
      When you’re out on holiday, it’s wise for you to give the keys of your house to a neighbour
      or relative, so that they can get in in case there is an emergency. Ask them to remove any post
      from your letter-box and don’t forget to cancel any deliveries of milk or newspapers. Leave the
      telephone number of the hotel you are staying in and call to let them know your room number
      when you arrive so that if they need to get in touch with you, they won’t have the problems
      tracking you down.
      Passage 2:
      We have over 60% of our employees involved outside of Europe. They work in our
      subsidiaries and associated companies overseas. That might give you an indication of how
      international our company has become. Furthermore we have just started a new research unit in
      the USA, which is inevitable given the large size of our operations in that country and the
      expansion of our market share there in the past 3 or 4 years.
