
恒星英语学习网 2007年03月25日

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      SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)
      Part A: Spot Dictation
      Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with
      blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your
      answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the
      passage only once.
      Building team spirit is always the focal point of what I have been trying to do as a manager.
      When I first went to Crystal Palace, football players would ____________(1) and then go
      straight home. There was ______________(2). So we brought in a pool table and fruit machines.
      When _______________(3) choose to spend time together, it generates a better
      atmosphere.____________(4) is very important, but I don't believe in trying to
      _____________(5) as a team. I try to motivate them ___________(6). So I don't give team
      talks. I speak to the players individually. And I try not to ___________(7). I believe that football
      players perform best when they are relaxed. If they're ______________(8), I can guarantee they
      won't play well in a game.
      I also believe in _______________(9). I like all the people who work for me to be
      autonomous; therefore, I_____________(10). I feel people should be judged
      _______________(11). If they prove incompetent, then I'm incompetent if I ____________(12).
      It's like that with the team. I get criticized for not interfering during a game and
      _________(13). But I feel if I've chosen those eleven players to get a result, then I should
      ___________(14) to get on with it.
      If I'm dropping a player from the team, I ________________(15) I have to explain it to
      them. If they _______________(16), I'll say “ Come back and talk about it. ”
      _______________(17) But I don’t try to re-motivate them. It's up to them to have the character
      to ________(18). I'm a great believer that almost everything you achieve in life is (19). If I have
      a football player who is magnificently gifted but has a stinking attitude, I won't
      Part B: Listening Comprehension
      Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each
      one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken
      only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and
      write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER
      Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following radio programme.
      1. A. Arts. B. Maths.
      C. Science and Technology. D. Social Sciences.
      2. A. Three hours. B. 10 hours.
      C. 15 hours. D. 16 hours.
      3. A. He found it quite easy. B. He failed the exam.
      C. He passed it only marginally. D. He was praised by the Dean.
      4. A. Because he thinks that the fee would be too expensive.
      B. Because he would have to economise.
      C. Because it might be too demanding.
      D. Because it is designed for younger people only.
      5. A. It offers advice on how to go about choosing a career.
      B. It criticises the educational system in Britain.
      C. It evaluates degree courses at British universities.
      D. It discusses educational opportunities for adults.
      Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.
      6. A. 95. B. 195.
      C. 226. D. 251.
      7. A. The military rule in the country.
      B. The government's decision to privatize the banking sector.
      C. The shortage of food at the detention centre.
      D. The detention without trial.
      8. A. When the plane was trying to take off.
      B. When the plane was landing.
      C. When the plane was flying across the Cuban-Ecuadorean border.
      D. When the plane was caught in a storm.
      9. A. Electronic commerce will replace traditional ways of doing business in 20 years' time.
      B. Electronic commerce would only supplement traditional ways of doing businesses.
      C. Electronic commerce is not suitable for their businesses.
      D. Electronic commerce has to be improved to handle day-to-day transactions.
      10. A. Violence is becoming worse over the past week.
      B. Police used rubber bullets against against the looters.
      C. Looting of ethnic Chinese houses is continuing.
      D. Troops shot and killed hundreds of rioters.
      Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.
      11. A. Nine years ago. B. Eight year ago.
      C. In 1981. D. In 1991.
      12. A. Networking. B. Business applications.
      C. Games software. D. Electronic toys.
      13. A. Four. B. Eight. C. Twelve. D. Fourteen.
      14. A. Six months ago.
      B. Last month.
      C. Immediately after the founding of the company.
      D. After setting up the distribution business.
      15. A. Because they believed that it would succeed soon.
      B. Because they didn't want people to think they were in trouble.
      C. Because this division helped promote the sales of other products.
      D. Because this division created useful connections in the business.
      Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.
      16. A. Both parents working with two or three children.
      B. A working father, a housewife mother and a couple of children.
      C. Married couples who decide not to have any children.
      D. Adult children living with their parents.
      17. A. High divorce rate.
      B. Rapid economic growth.
      C. Unemployment.
      D. More women working outside she home.
      18. A. 44.5%. B. 45.5%.
      C. 54.5% D. 55.5%.
      19. A. By allowing the employee to work on flextime.
      B. By providing extra benefits for the employee's family.
      C. By helping the employee's spouse to find a new job.
      D. By setting up day-care centres.
      20. A. Only some large companies have the mew policies listed in the talk.
      B. The situation of modern working parents has been greatly improved by adopting these
      C. These policies are very, very expensive to implement.
      D. Some of these policies go against labour laws in the USA and Japan.
      SECTION 2: READING TEST (30 minutes)
      Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several
      questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question.
      Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated of implied in that
      passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your
      Questions 1~5
      The Government claimed yesterday to have imposed a virtual moratorium on the
      commercial growing of controversial genetically modified crops, but was rebuked by
      environment and consumer groups who said it was allowing their go-ahead under cover of more
      experiments. In a package of measures aimed to leave the door open to the powerful
      biotechnology industry but also to reassure anxious consumers, environment minister Michael
      Meacher said no commercial growing of the controversial crops would now be allowed before
      autumn 1999.
      But the Government will allow six farms to grow GM crops on a commercial basis under
      strict ecological monitoring to establish the effects of widescale planting. The first crops are
      expected to be oilseed rape, to be planted in August 1999 and harvested in July 2000. Until now
      they have only been small-scale trials, without ecological monitoring. Mr. Meacher said further
      commercial plantings will depend on the results of the monitoring. The Government will also
      ban commercial growing of insect-resistant crops for three years.
      “We are effectively declaring a moratorium,” said Mr. Meacher. “We must take the
      precautionary approach. We may decide that we need extra time before we give any go-ahead for
      widescale commercial planting.”
      Giving evidence to the Lords select committee on the European Community, Mr. Meacher
      and food safety minister Jeff Rooker, announced that the Government would also tighten up the
      industry's self-regulatory system, bring in new advisers, lobby Europe for legal reform, and set
      up a Cabinet sub committee drawing on ministers from four departments. Mr. Rooker said it
      may also set up with supermarkets a surveillance system to monitor any unexpected health
      effects of the crops, and convene a new ethics committee.
      The measures were broadly welcomed by English Nature, the Government's wildlife
      advisers, and the RSPB, both of whom had earlier called for a three-year moratorium.“It will
      take three years of farm trials before we begin to understand the impact of these crops on
      wildlife,”said Jonathan Curtoys of the RSPB. But environment, health and consumer watchdog
      groups said the proposals were full of loopholes.“It is effectively an expansion of the industry.
      The Government is relying on industry to monitor itself which always fails,”said Charles Secrett,
      director of Friends of the Earth.
      Patrick Holden of the Soil Association, Which represents organic farmers who fear that GM
      crops will genetically pollute their produce, said the Government had caved into industry. “They
      are saying that you cannot stop the arrival of these crops. It's terrible.”
      Others welcomed the move to expand the remit of the scientific body that considers
      applications from industry to release the crops. A virtually new panel will be asked to look at the
      indirect and cumulative effects of the crops, and ecologists and wildlife scientists will be drafted
      A mew committee made up of farmers, industry and pressure groups will also be set up.
      The promised Food Standards Agency is expected to take overall control of the crops' future
      development, said Mr. Rooker.
      1. It can be concluded from the passage that environment and consumer groups_________.
      A. are in full support of the Government's decision on genetic crops
      B. suggest that the measures put forward by the Government should be revised
      C. hold that biotechnology industry will inevitably bring disaster to humanity
      D. are very much concerned about the Government's new measures
      2. The word “moratorium” used in the passage is closest in meaning to__________.
      A. temporary delay. B. complete stoppage.
      C. immediate action. D. strict prohibition.
      3. The expression “loopholes” in the sentence “But environment, health and consumer
      watchdog groups said the proposals were full of loopholes.”(para. 7) can be paraphrased as
      which of the following?
      A. Great negative effects. B. Grammatical errors.
      C. Vague and inexact expressions. D. unnecessary repetitions.
      4. Which of the following is NOT included in the measures suggested by the Government?
      A. To strengthen the control of the industry's self-regulatory system.
      B. To integrate Friends of the Earth and the Soil Association into one of the committees.
      C. To establish a surveillance system with supermarkets to watch and check any harmful
      effects of GM crops.
      D. To set up a number of committees to study and take control of the future developments of
      GM crops.
      5. Which of the following is mainly discussed in the passage?
      A. The development of biotechnology industry.
      B. The protest of Friends of the Earth and the Soil Association.
      C. The pollution of natural agricultural products.
      D. The policy on the commercial planting of GM products.
      Questions 6~10
      UP TO NINE serving and retired police officers are acting as “supergrasses” to inform on
      corrupt colleagues at Scotland Yard, it was revealed yesterday.
      The huge scale of the corruption uncovered within the Metropolitan Police has resulted in
      up to 300 convictions being re examined to discover whether innocent people have been
      Forty police officers have so far been suspended—including detectives from a witness
      protection unit—and nine serving and former officers have been charged in connection with
      drugs and money allegations.
      In the largest anti-corruption drive for decades, about nine serving or retired officers have
      become informants.
      The bulk of the officers have com from the former South East Regional Crime Squad
      (SERCS),which investigated major criminals, and the Flying Squad, the unit that targets armed
      Most of the so-called “supergrasses” have offered to inform on their colleagues in the
      hope of receiving more lenient sentences for their own wrong-doings.
      Among the informants are two former Flying Squad officers, and one detective constable
      who was attached to the former SERCS, and was arrested in connection with illegal drug
      As more officers are prepared to turn “informer” —in one case a detective is understood
      to have named up to 30 fellow officers—the number of allegations of police corruption is
      expected to rise sharply during the next few months.
      As the inquiry by the specialist anti-corruption units CIB2 and CIB3 widens, a growing
      number of officers are being suspended and charged in connection with offenses—including
      drug dealing, taking bribes, robbery, tampering with evidence, and even helping out with
      contract killings. Corrupt officers have made hundreds of thousands of pounds from their illegal
      activities. Six officers from the Special Witness Protection Unit have been suspended following
      allegations of“financial irregularities”, along with 17 from the Flying Squad unit based at Rigg
      Approach in Walthamstow, east London, and four from the former South East Regional Crime
      The most senior officer so far to be suspended is a detective chief inspector. A woman
      official of the Crown Prosecution Service has also been arrested by the Yard's anti-corruption
      team over allegations involving the supplying of confidential information and sabotaging cases.
      One consequence of the inquiries is the large number of previous cases that involved
      suspected “bent” officers that could be over-turned on appeal.
      A special Miscarriages of Justice Unit at Scotland Yard is examining about 300 cases
      stretching back two decades. There are believed to be up to 10 men serving long jail sentences
      because crooked detectives planted evidence against them. Once officers start being convicted,
      dozens of convicted criminals are expected to appeal against their sentences.
      The latest development in the anit-corruption investigations, revealed by senior police
      sources, follows a pledge by Sir Paul Condon, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan police, to
      stamp out wrong doing by his officers.
      Sir Paul has estimated that up to 250 of his 27,000 strong force are corrupt.
      A police source said that corruption was a “way of life” for the core of the suspected
      officers—who are believed to total about 40.
      6. The word “supergrasses” can be replaced by___________.
      A. serving and retired police officers
      B. corrupt officers from Scotland Yard
      C. informants who are the victims of injustice
      D. informants who themselves have committed wrong-doings
      7. The expression “a way of life”(last paragraph) probably means_________.
      A. a kind of ideal life B. a goal in one's life
      C. an essential part of one's life D. a means to one's end
      8. Which of the following is implied, but not directly stated, in the passage?
      A. Without those police “informers”, many of the corruption cases may not be uncovered.
      B. A number of people have been wrongly sentenced and jailed.
      C. The current anti corruption drive is the biggest over the past decades.
      D. The corruption cases vary and some corrupt officers have made a fortune.
      9. It can be concluded that police corruption discussed in the passage mainly takes place
      A. Scotland B. London
      C. the army D. the prison
      10. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
      A. The Impact of Anti-corruption Investigations
      B. Police “Informers” Aiding Corruption Inquiry
      C. The Growing of “Supergrasses” at Police Force
      D. Corruption Spreading in Metropolitan police
      Questions 11~15
      Anonymity has its virtues. Think of the friend who performs a thoughtful deed in secret, or
      the benefactor who insists that his name not appear on the building he funded.
      But anonymity also comes with a darker side. Just ask the children who can't identify one
      parent, either because their biological father was a nameless donor at a sperm bank or because
      their genetic mother donated an egg to a surrogate-parenting program. For these offspring the
      haunting question, “Who is my parent?” produces another anguished query: “Who am I?”
      “Reproductive foundlings” is the phrase one British woman uses for those like herself
      whose donor fathers remain unknown.
      So serious is the issue that three weeks from today, on Nov.18, a children's charity in
      Britain, Barnardo's, will hold a seminar in London to discuss the implications of donor-assisted
      pregnancies. Its title: “Are we just creating children for parents? Are we ignoring the child's
      identity and genetic needs?” Tessa Jowell, the British health minister, wants a position paper by
      Christmas, outlining the pros and cons of ending donors' rights to anonymity.
      The debate is long overdue. In Britain, about 2,000 births result from donor-assisted
      pregnancies each year. In the United States, estimates put the figure above 30,000, but in an
      unregulated industry, no one knows for sure.
      Donor identity also ranks as a fledgling issue in the US. One sperm bank in California,
      founded in 1983, is looking ahead to , when the first babies born from its services will come
      of age and perhaps begin seeking information about their fathers. The facility has formed an
      “identity release task force” to create guidelines so the experience will “be respectful for all
      involved.” It claims it is the first sperm bank in the world to the doing this.
      Selecting a potential father can be alarmingly simple—as easy as logging onto the Internet
      and scrolling through listings of sperm donors. One sample description: “Caucasian / Irish,
      German, Slavic, fair skin, blond wavy hair, blue eyes, 5-ft. 11 in., 168 pounds, O positive blood
      type.” Yet only 21 of the 44 donors listed on this Web page are willing to have their identity
      Another Web site offers similar information on potential mothers. It reads:“We are proud to
      announce the arrival of our new Egg Donor Database on the Internet! Our database has color
      photos and profiles of over 300 available Egg Donors.” It adds that “you can select specific
      criteria such as eye color, educational background, and ethnic origin.”What could be simpler?
      No one can minimize or trivialize the deep yearning for a child and the desire to create a
      family by any means necessary. Yet reproductive technology represents a slippery slope. Caught
      up in the “miracle” of being able to produce babies who otherwise would not have been born,
      well meaning fertility specialists sometimes appear to forget that what is medically possible
      may not always be ethically wise.
      The genie is out of the bottle. For better of worse, Surrogate parenting is here to stay. The
      only prudent solution lies in carefully regulating every phase.
      In the same way that adoption, once shrouded in secrecy, is becoming an open subject,
      surrogate arrangements must become more honest. Individuals are entitled to know their true
      background knowledge that, when lovingly conveyed, need not diminish their relationship
      with the parents who raise them.
      11. the tone of the phrase of the phrase “reproductive foundlings”(parg.3) is one of________.
      A. humour B. affirmation
      C. indifference D. reproach
      12. The sentence “The debate is long overdue.”(para.5) can be paraphrased as which of the
      A. The debate comes at the right time.
      B. The debate should have started much earlier.
      C. The debate should not be overlooked.
      D. The debate is to continue for a long time.
      13. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
      A. Not all the donor parents are prepared to release their identity.
      B. Reproductive technology is against moral ethics and should be stopped.
      C. People have the right to create a family by different means.
      D. Adopted children and test tube children are facing the similar issue of anonymous
      14. The metaphor “The genie is out of the bottle.” (para.10) is used to imply_________.
      A. the benefits for test tube babies brought up on the bottle
      B. the value of the contribution of sperm of egg donors
      C. the necessity for regulating surrogate arrangements
      D. both the positive and negative consequences of reproduction technology
      15. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
      A. The great significance of being anonymous as a donor parent.
      B. The direct relationship between anonymity and virtues.
      C. The possible implications of donors' anonymous identity.
      D. The positive arguments on donors' rights to anonymity.
      Questions 16~20
      IT will boldly sail where no ship has sailed before. The American space agency Nase is
      drawing up plans to make the first trip to another star on the space age equivalent of the tea
      Scientists from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in America believe aluminum sails may
      be the only way to span the vast expanses of space that separate the stars. Rockets, the say,
      would be too slow and unable to carry the enormous amounts of fuel needed .
      Instead, the unmanned ship’s energy would come from a sun powered laser, focused on
      the sail through an orbiting 60-ile diameter lens, to accelerate the ship to a tenth of the speed of
      light—18,600 miles per second.
      The fuelless craft's sails would harness the pressure exerted by light on whatever it hits.
      Although it would be only a small force, the absence of friction in space would cause the ship's
      velocity to increase steadily.
      Despite its eventual speed, interstellar distances are so great that it would still take the craft
      40 years to reach the sun's nearest neighbour, Alpha Centauri, 26 trillion miles away.
      “If the human race wants to go to the stars, there is just one technique that uses known
      physics, and this is it,” said Dr. Robert Forward, a solar sail pioneer and space flight consultant
      who advised the JPL team.
      Reaching Alpha Centauri would be every bit as significant as putting a man on the moon. A
      wealth of information would be revealed to help scientists tackle many of the puzzles of the
      Very high speeds, far in excess of anything mankind has achieved so far, would be vital if
      the journey is to be made within a human lifetime.
      The idea was first proposed by Russian scientists in the 1920s and has been explored
      several times since the start of the start of the space race. However, only now with
      nanotechnology that has enabled the weight of the sail to be reduced can scientists consider it
      seriously for interstellar travel.
      To make a beam that could cross the distance to the destination star, sunlight would have to
      be converted into powerful laser light and focused using a giant, orbiting lens 60 miles in
      For a few years at the start and finish of the mission, this light would be aimed at the half
      mile wide sail which would carry a minimal payload of micro-electronic detectors, transmitters,
      computers and self-repair systems embedded in its centre.
      The proposal was welcomed by Dr. Richard Taylor, who as a member of a team of experts
      from the British Interplanetary Society made a feasibility study of a solar sail to propel an
      interstellar spacecraft no bigger than a beer can—dubbed “Project Heineken” as it was
      intended to reach the parts of the parts of the galaxy that other spacecraft could not reach..
      Taylor said his group concluded five years ago that the idea was a non-runner:“We could
      demonstrate that it was technically possible, but the cost would be immense.”
      JPL is also evaluating a proposal to use solar sails of just on metre in diameter, put forward
      by a British scientist, Dr. Colin Jack.
      “There's no doubt solar sailing is a feasible technology and harnessing light pressure is a
      perfectly valid method of space craft propulsion.” said Jack..
      Another British scientist, Dr. Steve Temple of Cambridge, who helped develop a more
      modest vessel to take part in a race to Mars in 1992,believes technical problems would make the
      concept useless for reaching another star. “A solar sail is an exciting and realistic way of getting
      around the solar system, but the idea of using it to send a piece of tin foil off to the next star
      leaves me rather cold.” he said.
      16. According to the passage, Alpha Centauri is__________.
      A. a star within the solar system
      B. the smallest star in the Galaxy
      C. the only star we can reach
      D. the star closest to the solar system
      17. Which of the following best expresses the meaning of the clause “the idea was a
      non-runner” (para.13)?
      A. Solar-sailing technology was essential to space travel.
      B. Interstellar travel by solar sailing was unrealistic.
      C. Solar-sailing was a pioneering adventure in space exploration.
      D. Flying to other stars was considered a beautiful dream.
      18. It is implied, but not directly stated in the passage that to reach other stars, an interstellar
      A. must travel at a high speed
      B. must be made of light material
      C. cannot simply travel on the fuel as a rocket does
      D. may not travel without the use of solar energy
      19. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
      A. British scientists have different views towards solar sailing.
      B. Laser technology is essential to interstellar travelling.
      C. The function of solar sail is to collect sunlight and convert it into laser light to prople a
      D. The design of an interstellar spacecraft has been completed and it will be launched soon.
      20. What do we know about Dr. Steve Temple's view on space travel from the passage?
      A. Technical issues have been already settled for interstellar travel.
      B. It is almost impossible to travel to other stars through solar sails.
      C. Technical problems for interstellar travels will never be solved.
      D. Travelling around the solar system is comparatively easy and simple.
      SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (30 minutes)
      Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the
      corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
      A major source of anxiety about the future of the family is rooted not so much in reality as
      in the tension between the idealized expectation in the culture and the reality itself. Nostalgia for
      a lost family tradition, which, in fact, never existed, has prejudiced our understanding of the
      conditions of families in contemporary society. Thus, the current anxiety over the fate of the
      family reflects not only problems in the family but also a variety of fears about other social
      problems that are eventually projected onto the family.
      The real problem facing American families today are not symptoms of breakdown as is
      often suggested; rather, they reflect the difficulties of adaptation to recent social changes,
      particularly to the loss of diversity in household membership, to the reduction of the variety of
      family functions and, to some extent, to the weakening of the family adaptability. The
      idealization of the family as a refuge from the world and the myth that the work of mothers is
      harmful has added considerable strain. The continuous emphasis on the family as a universal
      private retreat and as an continuous haven is misguided in light of historical experience.
