
恒星英语学习网 2016年12月12日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

      1. Refusing a lesser reward completely make these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group.

      【分析】简单句。动名词结构refusing a lesser reward作主语,谓语为 make,abundantly clear to other members of the group作宾语these feelings的补足语。


      2. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans,or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet,an unanswered question.

      【分析】多重复合句。两个whether引导的从句并列作主句主语,is是系动词,an unanswered question是表语。 第一个从句为“主语+不及物动词+状语”结构;第二个从句的主语是it,指代上一从句的主语such a sense of fairness,谓语是 stems frorm,that引导的定语从句修饰宾语the common ancestor。


      3. Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.

      【分析】多重复合句。句子主干为:voices...come from many quarters。句首just as…作比较状语,意为“正如···”。现在分词结构insisting...作voices的后置定语,其中包含两个由that引导的宾语从句,第二个宾语从句中it作形式主语,真正主语由不定式短语充当,从句until we know for sure 作时间状语。


      4. And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better.

      【分析】复合句。句子主干为one leading authority says that…,that引导宾语从句,其主干为these…mental events can be not only harnessed but... broughtunder conscious control。其中 not only...but...表示“不仅…而且...”;句末的不定式短语作目的状语。

