从ABC到流利英语口语Unit 13:Likes and Dislikes喜欢和厌恶(mp3下载)

恒星英语学习网 2016年06月20日

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      Unit 13 Likes and Dislikes


      No, that isn't my idea it's a good meal. I have my hamburger. It's my favorite dish. I have it everyday.


      Asking if somebody likes(doing)something


      Are you interested in detective stories?


      Does boxing interest you?


      What are your interests?


      Is music your chief interest?


      Are you keen on disco?


      Do you enjoy Beijing opera?


      Do you like meeting people?


      Do you enjoy painting?


      Do you go for jazz?


      Are you fond of movies?


      Are you a film goer?


      Are you a party goer?


      Does boxing appeal to you?


      Stating one's likes or dislikes


      I'm interested in meeting VIPs.


      Figure skating interests me a great deal.


      My chief interest is writing novels.


      I'm keen on classical music.


      I really enjoy attending parties.


      I like fishing.


      I'm really fond of collecting rare books.


      I really go for oysters.


      I'm a football fan.


      I'm crazy about skating.


      I'm mad about skating.


      I'm wild about skating.


      I have a passion for Shakespeare's wroks.


      I have a liking for Beethoven's symphonies.


      She doesn't like anything I do or say.


      I didn't like the taste of the medicine,but I took it anyway.


      I don't care much for tomatoes.


      Frankly,I think it's terrible.


      To tell the truch,they made me sick.


      I hate going to the theatre.




      Dialogue 1


      There's going to be a volleyball match between the Economics Depart-ment and the Foreign Languages Department this afternoon.


      Are any of you keen on volleyball?


      Sorry,I'm not a volleyball fan.I'd rather play football.


      How about you,Mr.Wang?Are you interested in volleyball?


      I'm afraid not.My favorite sport is running.I don't care for.


      Dialogue 2


      I'm sorry,Sam.I don't want to go to the folk concert.


      How about going to the theatre?


      I don't like going to the theatre.


      Well,what do you like doing?


      Travelling,swimming,going to the cinema.And you?


      I like painting,sailing,watching football and talking to you.


      I like talking to you,too.


      Do you want to go to an exhibition?


      There is one at the Xinghai Exhibi-tion Hall tomorrow.


      That's a good idea.


      Dialogue 3


      May I take you order now?


      Yes,I think we're ready to order.Elizabeth,what would you like


      I haven't made up my mind yet.You order first,Donald.


      All right.I'll start with chicken soup.Then I wnat a um rare.


      I'll have a baked potato,green beans and an egg salad.


      I'll order dessert later.


      Yes,sir.And you,miss?What would you like to have?


      I can't decide.I don't see anything I really like.


      There are over thirty dishes to select from,miss.


      There ought to be something you like,Elizabeth.


      Well,I guess so.But I only see food that I don't like.


      I don't care for chicken and I can't stand fish.


      Do you have any oysters?


      No,miss.I'm afraid not.How about some other seafood?


      Oysters are the only seafood I like.I dislike the rest.


      I wish I could think of something for you.


      May I suggest cream of tomato soup,steak with mushroom gravy,


      aspara-gus,and buttered cauliflower.


      For dessert-strawberry pie with icecream?

