从ABC到流利英语口语Unit 5:Asking the Way问路(mp3下载)

恒星英语学习网 2016年06月20日

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      Unit 5 Asking the Way


      Asking directions


      Excuse me./Pardon me.


      Can you tell me the way to Spring Street?


      Can I take a bus to get there?


      Could you tell me which bus goes to the Beijing Zoo?


      Could you tell me where to change/where I should transfer?


      Could/Would you tell me how to get to the post office?


      Could you tell me where the post office is?


      Would you please tell me whether I'm going the right way to the post office?


      Which way is the Beijing Zoo?


      How do I get to the Beijing Zoo?


      How can I find this address?


      Does this bus go to the Beijing Zoo?


      How long does it take to walk there?


      I wonder if you could tell me where the railway station is.


      I wonder if you could help me.I'm looking for the nearest post office.


      Would you be kind enough to tell me the right way to the Com-mercial Building?


      Do you know a souvenir shop around here?


      Where can I get a Taxi?


      How far is it to the nearest post office?


      Responding negatively


      Sorry,I'm not sure where it is.


      Sorry,I don't know.


      I really can't remember.


      I'm sorry,I'm afraid I can't help you.


      Sorry,I'm new here myself.


      Responding positively


      Go straight on(ahead).


      Follow your nose.


      Take this road.


      Turn right(left).


      Turn around.


      Turn right at the traffic light.


      It's just around the corner.


      It's on the right hand side.


      It's about three blocks from here.


      It's about a five-minute walk from here.


      It's only a short distance from here.


      Take Bus No.21 and it will take you right there.


      You could take a 17 and get off at the theatre and change to the 65.


      Walk two blocks,and turn left when you see the traffic light.


      Take the second turning on the left and go straight on.


      Walk down this road,take the second turning on the right.


      Turn round and turn left at the traffic lights,and then ask again.


      You can take the bus and get off at the second stop.


      Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing.


      Go on for about 100 meters.It's on your left side.


      it's Room 201 on the second floor.


      Oh,you're going the wrong way.


      You can't miss it.


      I've got a map showing the way there.


      Asking for repetition




      Pardon me?


      I beg you pardon?




      Would you repeat that?


      Would you say it again?


      Would you mind repeating what you said?


      Confirming and correcting


      I see.Straight to the corner.Left and then right.


      I see.Straight to the corner.


      Left until I come to the end of the block and then right.


      That's it/right/correct.


      No,you turn right and then left.




      Dialogue 1


      Excuse me,which way is to the post office?


      The post office?Sorry,I'm not sure.


      Well,thanks anyway.


      Dialogue 2


      Excuse me,can you tell me where Main Street is?


      Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.


      Is it far?


      No.It's only a five-minute walk.You can't miss it.


      Thanks a lot.


      You're welcome.


      Dialogue 3


      Excuse me,where is the Beijing Railway Station?


      You can take the subway to get there.


      How long will it take to get there?


      It takes only ten minutes.


      May I take a bus or a taxi to get there?


      You can take No.I bus or a taxi.


      Excuse me,sir.Where is the No.I bus stop?


      Please turn right at the traffic lights.


      Thank you very much.

