从ABC到流利英语口语Unit 19:At the Post Office在邮局(mp3下载)

恒星英语学习网 2016年06月20日

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      Unit 19 At the Post Office


      Here's your receipt now.


      Please have it well-wrapt and sailed.


      Where's the nearest post office?


      How do I get th the post office?


      What time does the post offic open(close)?


      How much is an airmail letter to the People's Republic of China?


      Excuse me.Could you please find the zip codes for all these letters?


      I'd like to send this letter Special Delivery.


      I'd like to send this letter to New York.


      Please paste this"AIR MALL"sticker on the envelope when you send it by


      I want to have this letter registered.


      It's not overweight.


      Do you have commemorative stamps?


      Is it sufficiently stamped?


      How long does this letter take to go there by airmail?


      What does this parcel contain?


      I want to send a telegram(cable,telex).How much per word?


      Where can I buy envelopes and writing paper?


      This is the postal receipt.


      Would you give me an international stamp coupon,please?


      Can I catch the last mail today?


      The parcel counter is the third on the left.


      If the cable is urgent,the rate will be doubled.


      Please sign this order.




      Dialogue 1


      What's the postage on these letters to HongKong,please?


      I'll have to check.Do you need anything else?


      Yes.Five one-dollar stamps,please.


      That'll be 14 dollars in all.


      Dialogue 2


      Three twenty-five cent stamps,please.


      Here you are.Seventy-five cents,please.


      And please send this letter by registered mail.


      Is there anything valuable in it?


      There's a check for two hundred dollars and a photograph.


      Shall I make out a receipt?


      No,don't bother.


      That will be ninety-five cents in all.


      Dialogue 3


      Next,please!Hello,may I help you,sir?


      Yes.I want comes to four dollars twenty cents.


      OK.That comes to four dollars twenty cents.


      Here is five dollars.


      Here is your change,please wait for your receipt of the registered mail.


      I also want to pick up my package.This is the notice.


      Let me see...Hmm...Just a minute.Here it is.We need your signature on this


      Oh,one more thing.Where can I mail this letter?


      Drop it in the mail box marked"Out of town"at that corner.


      Thank you very much.


      You're welcome.


      Dialogue 4


      Would you please weigh this letter to see what the postage is?


      Do you want to send it by or registered mail?


      By ordinary air mail,please.


      Anything of value in it?


      A postal order for four hundred dollars.


      In that case,you'd better have it registered.


      Will I be informed when my friend gets the letter?


      Yes,when your friend gets it,


      he'll sign a receipt,which will be sent to you by mail.


      Then you can be sure it's been received.


      All right,I'll have it registered,then.


      Dialogue 5


      Would you tell me how I should send this parcel to Shanghai,China?


      It contains only books.


      You might send it as"Printed Matter".


      I wonder if I could have it insured here?


      Of course.How much would you want to insure these books for?


      Let me see...I think I can have them insured for five hundred dollars.


      Five hundred dollars,so you pay ten dollars for the insurance,


      that's two percent of the total value of the article.


      Here's a check for ten dollars.

