生活场景口语实战人际篇 第616期:下订单(2)

恒星英语学习网 2015年07月16日

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      5. We expect your order, which will have our immediate attention.

      We hope you will favor us with your order, which shall have our best attention to give you a complete satisfaction.
      We hope to receive your order with our great attention.
      be in/out of sb.'s favor 得到(失去)某人的尊重、赞同等

      6. We can deliver the goods within three days after receiving your order.

      We can deliver the goods in three days after receiving your order.
      We can send the goods to you in three days as soon as we receive your order.
      deliver over/up to 把……移交出去,把……转交给

      7. I'm more interested in being able to deliver goods on time or not.

      I pay more attention on whether the goods can be delivered on time or not.
      I am more concerned about being able to deliver goods at the appointed time.
      able 能干(指人具备做事情所需要的才能或卓越的才干);
      capable 胜任(指人或物具有能满足普通要求的能力);
      competent 称职(指具有做好某种工作或职务的能力)

      8. I think we can strike a bargain with you if your price is competitive.

      We can get the transaction concluded with you in that the price is competitive.
      We can transact with you if you can provide competitive price.
      A bargain is a bargain.
