疯狂英语口语绝招 What would you do if...?

恒星英语学习网 2008年09月04日

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      迅雷高速下载    音频下载[点击右键另存为]090. What would you do if...?
      假设某一种情况,然后问别人会怎么办时,应该用“What would you do if...?”这个句型。这里用的是虚拟语气,表示仅仅是假设,实现的可能不大。
      1. What would you do if you were me?
      2. What would you do if you were in my shoes?
      3. What would you do if you had a lot of money?
      4. What would you do if you failed?
      5. What would you do if the rumors were true?
      A: Can I ask you a hypothetical question?
      B: Sure, go ahead.
      A: What would you do if you were given a million dollars?
      B: Well, first I’d buy a nice house for my parents to live in and take care of all their financial problems. Then I’d buy a house for my sister and do the same.
      A: That’s very nice of you.
      B: I’d just like to take care of my family as best as I can.
