迷你对话学口语 第24课 爱 - 7

恒星英语学习网 2013年04月10日

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      第24课:爱 - 7


      A: That was the most wonderful retirement party I’ve ever been to.
      B: I know. You could see that Mr. Bliss has earned the respect, love, and reverence of the entire staff.
      A: That’s probably because of his fatherly interest in the lives of his employees over the years.

      A: 我所参加过的退休晚会中,这次是最棒的。
      B: 嗯。看得出来,Bliss先生赢得了全体员工的崇敬和爱戴!
      A: 大概是因为多年来,他一直像个父亲一样关心着员工们的生活吧。
