迷你对话学口语 第24课 爱 - 3

恒星英语学习网 2013年04月06日

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      第24课:爱 - 3


      A: Adam is a real narcissist.
      B: He seems normal to me.
      A: He adores himself so much he carries his own picture in his wallet!
      B: Well, if I were as handsome as Adam I’d be guilty of a little self-veneration too!

      A: Adam可真是个自恋狂。
      B: 可我觉得他很正常啊。
      A: 他只崇拜自己,竟然把自己的照片放在钱夹里天天带着。
      B: 哦,如果我要是像Adam那么帅,我也会有点儿自我感觉良好的。
