迷你对话学口语 第24课 爱 - 14

恒星英语学习网 2013年05月04日

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      第24课:爱 - 14


      A: I just love that new teacher, and I think she likes me, too.
      B: How can you be sure?
      A: Well, I know she has taken a shine to me, as she always lets me leave early from class.

      A: 我喜欢那个新来的老师,我想她也喜欢我。
      B: 你怎么能肯定?
      A: 她总让我早下课,所以我想她一定是喜欢上我了。


      A: When I saw that boy, I fell head over heels in love.
      B: You must have been quite young at the time.
      A: Not really, I think I was 25 when we first met in a bar.

      A: 我一看到那个男孩就为他神魂颠倒了。
      B: 你当时一定很年轻吧。
      A: 也不是。我们是在一个酒吧相遇的,当时我25岁。
