英语口语培训 第125课

恒星英语学习网 2008年07月28日

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      迅雷高速下载    音频下载[点击右键另存为]125. Where there is..., there is...
      关于这个句型,大家最熟悉的一句成语就是"Where there is a will, there is a way(有志者事竟成)"。句中的结构"Where there..., there is..."就是"哪儿有......哪儿就有......"。
      1. Where there is opposition, there are rebellions.
      2. Where there is contact, there is friction.
      3. Where there are women, there are jealousy and suspicion.
      A: I'm afraid I can't complete my paper on time.
      B: What happened?
      A: I keep on meeting with difficulties in the experiment. I can hardly go on.
      B: Where there are difficulties, there are ways to get over them. Hold on!
