英语情景对话 CAN I HELP?

恒星英语学习网 2007年05月15日

      Source:  我要投稿   恒星英语学习论坛   Favorite  

      Dialogue 14

      laurance--Hey!What's the rush?
      soony--The bank closes in half an hour and I need to
      cash a check.
      laurance--I can lend you some money.
      soony--I need to cash a check because I'm going on a
      trip this weekend.Actually,I want to buy some
      traveler's checks.
      laurance--Hmm.Can I help in any way?
      soony--You can drive me to the bank if you want to.My
      car's out of gas.
      laurance--Yeah.Glad to.Let's go.
      soony--Wait just a minute.I have to get my checkbook
      out of the desk.


      1)rush:忙碌,匆匆忙忙。以rush构成的短语如,a rush of work/
      rush hour/gold rush等。
      2)out of gas:没有油了。gas=gasoline;out of表示“没有”
      “短缺”,除与be动词连用外,还与run连用。如:I ran out of
      ink.He always runs out of money before the next pay day.
