常用商务英语口语学习 第395期:融资大计(5)

恒星英语学习网 2015年09月17日

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      Risk aversion has sent the fund yield below 6%.


      Risk aversion has sent the fund yield below 6%.


      We have to adhere to the headquarters'strategy.


      The ongoing risk aversion in equity markets has benefited US and European government bonds.

      股票市场正在进行的风险规避活动 使美国及欧洲的政府倩券获益。

      Given the concerns on growth and risk aversion in Europe, we will end up pushing back tightening measures.

      鉴于对欧洲经济增长和 风险规避的担忧,我们将最终推回紧缩措施。

      Even the largest mutual funds still carry some risk.


      The risk is too great.


      But even the largest mutual funds still carry some risk.


      Risk exists everywhere, so does engineering risk.

