商务英语播客 第125课:销售中常用的电话约见

恒星英语学习网 2012年03月08日

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      We've looked before at how to set up an appointment on the phone with someone you already know, but what about if you haven't met the person or established a relationship with them yet? In today's Business English Podcast, we'll be looking at how to make contact with a prospective client and, on the opposite end of the line, we'll examine language you can use to politely decline a request for information or a meeting. 我们之前已经学习了怎样和熟悉的人进行电话约访,但是怎样约见那些你从来没有见过不认识的人呢?今天的商务英语播客,我们将会学习如何与潜在的客户联系。另一方面,我们也会检测你是否可以礼貌地拒绝消息和会议的请求。

      We've already met Mario from Viva Fashions in previous episodes. Now Mario wants to meet with the head buyer for a chain of American stores owned by DeBourg Brands but, at this point, he doesn't even know the buyer's name. Mario is going to "cold call" the company and see if he can reach the buyer. First, he needs a name, and then he needs to try to speak to the buyer to make an appointment. 之前我们已经了解了在万岁服装的马里奥。现在他想和DeBourg品牌旗下的美国分店最大购买商联系。但是但现在他还不知道购买商的名字。马里奥打算陌生电话这个公司,去做个调查。首先,他需要一个名字,然后他要试着约见购买商的负责人。

      Listening Questions—First Call:
      1. What techniques does Mario use to get information from Joan?
      2. Why do you think Joan agrees to help Mario?

      Listening Questions—Second Call:
      1. Why does Mario keep saying "thank you" instead of "please" after making a request?
      2. What language does Mario use when stating the reason for his call, and why?
      3. Throughout the conversation, Mario uses informal language to minimize his request. Can you spot a few examples?
