

      n. 快艇, 游艇
      vi. 驾游艇, 乘游艇
      yacht n 1 light sailing-boat, esp one built specifically for racing 快艇; (尤指专为竞赛用的)帆船
      [attrib 作定语] a yacht race, club, crew 帆船竞赛、 俱乐部、 (一组)选手
      a sand yacht, ie a yacht-like vehiclewith wheels for use on sand 沙滩车. 2 large (usu power-driven) vessel used for private pleasure cruising 大型(通常为机动的)游艇. Cf 参看 dinghy. yacht, v [I] (usu in the continuous tenses 通常用於进行时态) travel or race in a yacht, especially as a hobby 乘坐快艇、 帆船、 游艇或进行比赛(尤指作为爱好)
      I go yachting most weekends in the summer. 在夏天, 我大多数周末都乘快艇游玩. yachting n [U] art, practice or sport of sailing yachts 帆船驾驶(术); 帆船驾驶运动
      [attrib 作定语] yachting equipment 帆船驾驶设备.