
恒星英语学习网 2011年10月01日

      1. He’s been everywhere.


      2. What’s bothering you?


      大家可以联想记忆:I didn't mean to bother you. 我并不是有意要麻烦你。

      3. Who is to blame?


      4. There’re a lot of rumors going around.


      看过Gossip Girl的同学应该对rumor一词很是熟悉的吧?!哈哈,上面有很多词语可以学一下的~~

      比如:There's a rumor said...有传言说···

      5. I don’t feel up to that.


      feel up to: 觉得能够胜任,身体能够挺得住。

      再如:I don't feel up to a long walk today.


      6. I’m mad at myself.


      7. It’s raining cats and dogs.


      8. The sky is getting very cloudy.

