
恒星英语学习网 2011年09月16日

      1. As far as I’m concerned.



      2. I'm all mixed up.


      mix up: 混淆,搅匀。例句:She mixed up the flour and water. 她把面粉和水搅匀。

      另外一个短语:mix and match: 试穿不同的衣服,看是否协调。

      3. Let's get together one of these days.


      4. He's behind the times.


      behind the time: 落后,过时。还可以说:out of fashioned, 或者out-fashioned.

      5. I'm pressed for time.


      表达时间紧,时间少还可以用tick-tock, 呵呵,这个也是电影中出现过的表达哦~~出自《豚鼠特工队》的啦

      6. I'm up to my ears.


      up to one's ear: 忙得不可开交;深陷于某事物中。之前的ear短语还记得多少?嘿嘿,记得不时的复习哦~~这样才能掌握成为自己的东西哦~~

      7. You can't do this to me.


      8. Just to be on the safe side.


      不知怎么想起这么一句:So far so good. 至今为止一切安好。呵呵,顺便记着吧~~
