
恒星英语学习网 2011年09月26日

      1. How long will it take to have this radio fixed?

      have sth. done: 不是说话人做这件事,而是另有人做。

      2. Come to me if you’re in any difficulty.

      3. Who do you think you are?

      4. You’re wasting your breath.

      Out of breath: 上气不接下气。

      5. It doesn’t seem like that.

      6. Don’t get on my nerves.

      在《傲慢与偏见》中,那位母亲就说过这么一句:You take delight in vexing me. You have no compassionon my poor nerves. 你这么喜欢折磨我,一点也不体恤我衰弱的神经。

      7. Everything will be fine.

