
恒星英语学习网 2011年09月21日

      1. It hurts like hell.

      hell: 美式口语中的绝对高频词。一般用来表示诅咒,惊讶,不耐烦等口气,还可以用来表达强调的语感,这是大家在以后的交际中经常用到的一种方式。


      What the hell are you doing here?(有时这里的hell还可以用heck来代替)


      What in hell did you say to her?


      What a hell of nice photo!


      What the hell! We only live once and life goes on.


      Hell! I don’t know.


      2. It can’t be helped.

      3. Sorry to bother you.

      Sorry to have bothered you.


      4. I’m always punctual .

      5. You may leave it to me.

      突然想起电影《罗马假日》中公主有一句话是:“You have my permission to withdraw .”你可以退下了。你可以用英音试一下,就当一下公主或王子的瘾~~

      6. I wish I could.


      7. What’s the rush?

      8. What’s so funny?

      9. I couldn’t agree more.


      You can say that again.

