
恒星英语学习网 2011年09月22日

      1. Stay out of the matter, please.

      stay out of: 保持不受...的影响(避开,不介入)。stay out of trouble: 远离是非。

      例句:His father told him to stay out of trouble. 他父亲叫他避开是非之地。

      另外还有类似短语None of your business: 少管闲事;别趟这浑水。

      On business: 出差。

      2. Don’t just shake your head.

      握手是shake hands. 这让我又想到电影《纳尼亚传奇1》中的一个场景:当Lucy第一次遇到半人羊(faun)Mr.Tumnus 时,自我介绍之后,Lucy伸手要和Mr.Tumnus握手,她说:“You shake it." 呵呵,Lucy是不是很可爱啊~~

      3. Don’t jump to conclusions.

      4. That was a lousymovie.

      5. Have you thought about staying home?

      《阿甘正传》Have you given any thought to your future?


      6. I’ll come. I give you my word.

      下面还有一句类似的说法:keep one’s word:保证

      7. I swear I’ll never tell anyone.

      8. I’ll make it up to you.

      Make up: 补偿。Make-up: 化妆。要说某人化妆了是用wear这个动词
