

      [英 [ˈpetrəl] 美 [ˈpɛtrəl] ]



petrol 基本解释


petrol 网络解释

      1. 深绿:墨玉绿 emerald black | 深绿 dark green ;petrol; Chinese green; bottle green | 暗绿 sap green ; dark green ; deep green

      2. 汽油 (美作:gas):fuel 燃油 | petrol 汽油 (美作:gas) | oil 油料

      3. 汽油[英]:18.petrol fumes 汽油味 | petrol 汽油[英] | gasoline 汽油[美]

petrol 双语例句


      1. Turn off the AirCon: it puts extra strain on the engine, which consequently guzzles more petrol.


      2. B 从关键句:As it is from the carburettor than the petrol is finally fed into the engine.


      3. petrol的翻译

      3. And we drove by car and I remember stopping at the petrol station and just on the autobahn...


      4. The influence of different emulsion process, mixture ratio of surface active agent and cosurfactant to the watering quantity and stability in the petrol microemulsion system was discussed.



      5. Its best matching is: Petrol 85%, methanol 10%, MTBE 5%, SW10.4%, SW20.4%, it is MTBE that the ideal resists water pharmaceutical, its water-resistance can be?

      其最佳配比是:汽油85%,甲醇10%,MTBE 5%,SW1 0.4%,SW2 0.4%,理想抗水剂为MTBE,其抗水性能为?

      6. petrol什么意思

      6. Point out it as new developing advantage of clean fuel and have problem, recommend methanol petrol help solvent and alcohol ether development and application prospect of fuel.


      7. A prototype of the company`s Transition—a two-seater with wings that can be folded at the touch of a button and four wheels for use on the road, and fuelled by regular petrol bought from a filling station—made its maiden flight earlier this year.


      8. B: Sure. There`s one over on the corner, by the petrol station.


      9. Oil Refining - gas, petrol, diesel, heating oil, fuels for power stations, aeroplanes, ships…..


      10. The device is aimed at making a car safe and petrol saving when it is running downslope.


      11. Most homes and shops in Tirana rely on petrol generators.


      12. petrol

      12. If you're short of petrol you can siphon of f a gallon from my tank.


      13. petrol

      13. If you're short of petrol you can siphon off a gallon from my tank.



      14. Buying petrol receipts, parking receipts, car rental invoice 5% SHANGHAI, Shanghai Motors carpool ride ride...



      15. Our difficulties were compounded by shortage of petrol supply.


      16. The article introduces spewing phenomenon and investigation of Wusu No.33 petrol test well, and compares the spewing water sample and background data of the test well, and calculates spewing water depth with grads data of well water temperature in the region and analyzes investigation result.


      17. petrol的反义词

      17. Notes: The above prices for petrol and diesel oil for road vehicles include duties.


      18. Here the petrol was gushing out of the end of the pipe and running over the floor.


      19. petrol的近义词

      19. It will be available with both petrol and TDI engines.


      20. petrol的意思

      20. Experience the rest days or by a change from deep color ink color ink printed tyvus shall be on the roll for cleaning, washing solution is: water roll into channels with petrol pouring water roller brushes with large, uniform brushlelss chemiluminscent of monlchamus and the unclean is gasoline fully dissolved, and then re-use, steels side brush, if you are still not enough clean water to flow down available sheet steel threader chemiluminscent zoysiagrass strickle wash in the direction of several times that if the water froze chemiluminscent set of dirty substitute a new set of boottopping.


petrol 词典解释

      1. 汽油

      Petrol is a liquid which is used as a fuel for motor vehicles.

      in AM, use 美国英语用 gas, gasolinepetrol 单语例句petrol的解释

      1. Industrial Structure Ningbo Daxie Development Zone gives priority to petrol chemical industry.

      2. Many small coating companies are struggling to survive rising raw material costs driven by surging petrol prices.

      3. The reform plan said that collection of the road maintenance fee would be stopped when the petrol surcharge is collected.

      4. And traditionally high petrol prices in Europe are an incentive to get out the old bike for short trips around compact German towns.

      5. In China, vehicles consume about 80 percent of the country's petrol.

      6. Petrol consumption is also expected to experience a boom, with burgeoning car sales.

      7. The Countryman is available from the start with a choice of three petrol and two diesel engines.

      8. An AFP photographer saw youths flagging down motorcycles and filling empty bottles from the petrol tanks to make molotov cocktails.

      9. Some of its oil refineries have also cut output for processing of petrol and industrial chemicals to make room for increased diesel production.

      10. Petrol and diesel oil prices rose by around 6 per cent on Saturday, a larger jump than any of the other four increases this year.

      petrol的解释petrol 英英释义


      1. a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum

      used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines

      Synonym: gasolinegasolenegas