

      选择语言:从 中文简体 到 英语



      Don't do the things harmful to health.


      Don't do the things harmful to health.


      Don't do the things harmful to health.


      Don't do things that are hazardous to health.


      Do not make the injurious to health the matter.

      aAccording to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,if you don't often wash your hands. 根据疾病控制中心和预防,如果您经常不洗您的手。 [translate] 
      a帮助人们远离疾病 Helps the people to be far away disease [translate] 
      aorganizational performance supervisor 组织表现监督员 [translate] 
      aynamic ynamic [translate] 
      a對我的工作有影響 Is influential to my work [translate] 
      aI feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title). I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. I eagerly anticipate our next meeting. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity. [translate] 
      aI wait you holding my hand and walk with me to the end of the world. 我等待举行我的手和步行与我的您对世界的末端。 [translate] 
      a这份合同对我们公司非要重要,所以写的越具体越好。我要和我的同事好好谈谈 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aEven if no promise, no ending, tonight will you think of me? 即使诺言,没有结尾,今晚不会将您认为我? [translate] 
      apost-ipo post-ipo [translate] 
      a那我怎么发给你? How then I do issue you? [translate] 
      aBT offers a combination of up to 20 different services to their 11 million customers BT为他们的11百万名顾客提供20不同服务的组合 [translate] 
      a谁有网球拍? Who has the tennis racket? [translate] 
      a在花季少年 In colored season youth [translate] 
      atemperature-independent strain characteristics 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a无论怎样,我们都是好朋友。你信任我,我亦如此。 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a少年,今天晚上到你家吃饭,ok? The youth, tonight eats meal to your family, ok? [translate] 
      aI wrote a letter in your birthday to send to you before, but Thailand floods is severe, I don't know whether you can receive my letter? I very antinomy!!!!! 我在您的生日写一封信送到您前面,但泰国洪水是否是严厉的,我不知道您是否能收到我的信? I非常antinomy!!!!! [translate] 
      aGuess who is the most successful young writer in China It is24-year-old Guo Jingming .Who earnd $1.4 million last year according to the NEW YORK TIMES [translate] 
      akey structures key structures [translate] 
      a人生懵懂,何去何从 Life ignorant, what course to follow [translate] 
      atime.yes!wo need same time time.yes! wo需要同样时刻 [translate] 
      a我有一个好朋友,她的名字叫 I have a good friend, her name is called [translate] 
      a请仔细看看这幅画吧,它近乎完美。 Please carefully have a look this picture, it approaches perfectly. [translate] 
      ait's your turn 它是您的轮 [translate] 
      athe apple of his eye 他的眼睛苹果 [translate] 
      a对大多数人来说,与其说话不当,还不如一言不发为好 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      ai know you really want me [translate] 
      a乔治在理工科方面是个很有天赋的学生 George has the talent student very much in the sciences and engineering aspect [translate] 
      aYou may have already signed up with this email address. If you have a hotmail.com or msn.com address, you're already signed up. Sign in now. 您也许已经报名参加了以这封电子邮件。 如果您有一个hotmail.com或msn.com地址,您已经报名参加。 现在签到。 [translate] 
      a圣诞节前 Before Christmas day [translate] 
      acacheable cacheable [translate] 
      a他有个性吗? He has the individuality? [translate] 
      a老师把我和王萍分开了 Teacher separated me and the king duckweed [translate] 
      a百分之二十五的人认为应该毫不犹豫的扶 25% people think should without hesitation holding [translate] 
      aorder full version now 现在命令充分的版本 [translate] 
      a无可否认 Does not have may deny [translate] 
      a  ①首先,点击桌面上的QQ图标,在在线状态下用鼠标右键点击系统托盘中的QQ图标,在弹出菜单中选择“系统参数”,此时,会出现“QQ参数设置”对话框,找到“参数设置”选项卡,去掉其中的“在任务栏显示图标”复选框前面的“√”,确定后托盘中的小企鹅图标就立刻消失了。由此实现第一步隐藏。 [translate] 
      aoooh why stop it oooh为什么中止它 [translate] 
      a一直占据我心,过去,现在和未来,我爱的人 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a允许连接手机时,拨打电话(手机相当于一个座机) When permission connection handset, dials telephones (handset to be equal to a plane) [translate] 
      aYou can also log in by using your Email: 691739849s@sina.com [translate] 
      a我们不得不要为它买单 We can not but have to buy the list for it [translate] 
      a高品质扬声器和麦克风 High quality speaker and microphone [translate] 
      aSpores of the tdd8-complemented strain showed a regular phenotype tdd8被补全的张力的孢子显示了规则表现型 [translate] 
      a刘世明你妈的 Liu Shiming you mother [translate] 
      a妈祖文化传入天津已有600多年 The Ma Zu culture spreads to Tianjin to have more than 600 years [translate] 
      a为了解决这个问题 In order to solve this problem [translate] 
      a感谢上天把你赐给了我 Thank ascends the sky you has bestowed I [translate] 
      a  很多人总是喜欢把光碟放在光驱里,特别是CD碟,其实这种习惯是很不好的。光碟放在光驱里,光驱会每过一段时间,就会进行检测,特别是刻录机,总是在不断的检测光驱,而高倍速光驱在工作时,电机及控制部件都会产生很高的热量,为此光驱厂商们一直在极力想办法解决。 [translate] 
      a飞扬 Flying upwards [translate] 
      aS3. Tdd8 was of particular interest for our S3. Tdd8是特别的好处为我们 [translate] 
      aglass 玻璃 [translate] 
      a恨你 Hates you [translate] 
      awide select 宽精选 [translate] 
      aThese two countries are different worlds to her 这二个国家是不同的世界对她 [translate] 
      a别做有害健康的事。 Do not make the injurious to health the matter. [translate]