

      选择语言:从 中文简体 到 英语



      Very happy when our six-year-old




      We at the age of six very happy


      Our 6-year-old is a lot of fun.


      When our six years old is very happy

      a入选德国联邦杰出人物名册 Is selected the German federation outstanding character register of names [translate] 
      aSF6 pressure gauge (if any) SF6 压力计 ( 如果任何 ) [translate] 
      amobilit?? [translate] 
      aI'll be. because of you 我將是。 由於您 [translate] 
      aSo the urgency of transformation which is from [translate] 
      aare you in the photo, wearing a pink dress? 您在相片,穿一件桃红色礼服? [translate] 
      agetting a driver's license 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      aAccepts ideas 赞成想法 [translate] 
      a所以我成为了一名律师而且我为我的工作感到自豪 Therefore I became an attorney moreover I to feel proud for mine work [translate] 
      abut higher in the HD samples, compared to the controls. [translate] 
      a我是川崎振华的客服 I am the Kawasaki Zhenhua's guests take [translate] 
      acrow boys 乌鸦男孩 [translate] 
      agood tv program? 好电视节目? [translate] 
      aLet her off 电视机他很好有被修理的工作现在 [translate] 
      a今天我要说的菜是: 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      a圣诞节期间,那家超市的货品打5折进行清仓销售 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      athis cute girl dont like japanes!me to.. 这个逗人喜爱的女孩不喜欢japanes! 我。 [translate] 
      aIt combines the negative selection algorithm with clonal selection mechanism to solve issues that prevent negative selection algorithms from being applied to classification problems. 它将负面选择算法与无性系的选择机制结合起来解决阻止负面选择算法被应用到分类问题的问题。 [translate] 
      a你不在我身边,我不喜欢玩得很晚 You side me, I do not like playing very much late [translate] 
      a我讨厌脏、不礼貌和像蛇一样的动物 I repugnant dirty, not politeness and likely snake same animal [translate] 
      a一首诗 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      acommunicated in the form of words 以词的形式,沟通 [translate] 
      a承担自己应尽的责任 Undertakes oneself should the completely responsibility [translate] 
      apeisist in the end 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] 
      acollege invasion 学院入侵 [translate] 
      aзанятий физической культурой 职业由物理文化 [translate] 
      a你是个好男人,处处替我着想,这也是我唯一欣赏你的,谢谢你 You are a good man, everywhere considers for me, this also is I only appreciates you, thanks you [translate] 
      a规范生产 Standard production [translate] 
      a我们六岁时很开心 When our six years old is very happy [translate]