

      [fēn sàn]





      scattering; dispersal; dispersion; segregation; spitting; spurting; disjection; deconcentration; peptization


      disperse; scatter; decentralize






      That choicewould make a little moresense for arealapplication,butwewantedtoavoidthedistractionofexplainingnew library classes.




      Looting food,not to be distracted,donot say hello to acquaintances to see.




      IfIwatch a movietodistract myself,Imaybe hit with an unpleasant twinge justhearing the nameof that movie.




      Ifso,the45,000gallons so farsprayedat depth may have done moregoodthanall the spraying at the surface.




      All that pressurecauseswater to diffuse out of the intervertebral disks.




      The nextmixtureiscalledacolloid also known as a colloidal dispersion.




      Cluster Breakers are typicallywelded to the bottom of aslope-sidedinfeedhopper, and positioned over a seconddischargehopper.




      Itseems to have more datapointsembedded in its scatterplots than ourgalaxyhasstars.




      But wecannotbedistracted by the horrorstoriesor be led to believe that renovatingbuildingsandbuyingequipment are the solutions.




      The rate of spreadingincreased, and the birds "end up spreading all over space," he said.

