






      ability; talent; gift; endowment










      Eugene Osment studieddrama at acollegeinGeorgiaand was all settodo his Masters degree whenhe was lured over toHollywood.




      Anne O'Neill,adermatologist at the Children's Hospital at Westmead, saidbabiesdid not get dirtyuntil they begancrawling.




      Ofcourse,only the mostreliablemule men were taken on such trips,but even theydidnotknowwhatcargothey were carrying.




      Hetoldme that it wasbecausehe was ill that theydecided to return.




      How much longer, how longcanyouwait,It's like youwantedto go and giveyourselfaway.




      Lastingrecoverywillcomewhen some oftheseweakhands -- or the nextwave of youngerinvestors -- stepback in.




      I was just about to make a little bow of assent,assent,whenthemeaning of the lastwordssank in, jolting meout of my sadreverie.




      Yet it is onlyin the lastthreeyears that the epic scale of China's energyneeds has begun to be fullyappreciated.




      Hillary Clinton hadspenttoolongin Bill's shadowandsacrificedtoomuchto emerge as a politicianpreparedtopush the style envelope.




      After Pharaoh'sdaughter had come up from the City of Davidto the palaceSolomon had builtforher, he constructed the supporting terraces.

